

[CVPR 2023] Class-wise Calibrated Fair Adversarial Training

Author: Zeming Wei, Yifei Wang, Yiwen Guo, Yisen Wang

This repo is under construction.


The model checkpoints for {AT, TRADES, FAT}+CFA are available at this url.

Train with CFA

Split the validation set

  1. Edit PATH in generate_validate.py (line 1) as your data path to CIFAR-10 dataset.
  2. Run python generate_validate.py

Train AT+CFA

An example code for AT+CFA (you can try other hyper-parameters):

python train.py --mode 'AT' --fname 'AT_CFA' --ccm --lambda-1 0.5 --threshold 0.2 


    author    = {Wei, Zeming and Wang, Yifei and Guo, Yiwen and Wang, Yisen},
    title     = {CFA: Class-Wise Calibrated Fair Adversarial Training},
    booktitle = {CVPR},
    year      = {2023}