

P2P Models Wiki dApp

An Unstoppable Wiki for the Right to Access Knowledge.

There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. – Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it. – John Perry Barlow

This Wiki dApp uses Aragon and IPFS in order to enable a distributed editable and permissioned wiki. Wikis like that are imperative in a world where Wikipedia is censored in some states.

Important: You need to be running an IPFS node on your computer in order to see and edit wiki pages. Install IPFS and initialize its daemon with ipfs daemon. It is needed even when visiting DAOs from aragonpm.org.

This is how it looks like


Pages can be edited using markdown:

Edit a page

Many Pages

In the sidebar there are the wiki pages, and more can be created:

Create a page

Page protection

A page can be protected, so only people or apps with the right permissions can edit it:

Protect a page


You can start the wiki on a local Ethereum devchain as follows:

git clone https://github.com/p2pmodels/wiki
cd wiki
npm install
npm start

Installing the Wiki dApp on a Rinkeby DAO

This Wiki Aragon app is published in the AragonPM package manager on Rinkeby, so it can be installed to any Aragon DAO on that network. In order to deploy this app on an existing DAO, you can do the following:

$ npm install -g @aragon/cli --unsafe-perms=true
$ dao install <dao-name>.aragonid.eth wiki.open.aragonpm.eth --environment aragon:rinkeby
# -> Depending on your DAO permissions, a voting may have been issued. The voting must pass in order to continue.
$ dao apps --all <dao-name>.aragonid.eth --environment aragon:rinkeby
# -> You should see a list of apps, and the <wiki-addr> listed under permissionless apps.
$ dao acl create <dao-name>.aragonid.eth <wiki-addr> EDIT_ROLE <your-addr> <your-addr> --environment aragon:rinkeby
$ dao acl create <dao-name>.aragonid.eth <wiki-addr> CREATE_ROLE <your-addr> <your-addr> --environment aragon:rinkeby
$ dao acl create <dao-name>.aragonid.eth <wiki-addr> PROTECT_ROLE <your-addr> <your-addr> --environment aragon:rinkeby
# -> You may vote all this permission changes

Using HTTP for development

Running your app using HTTP will allow for a faster development process of your app's front-end, as it can be hot-reloaded without the need to execute aragon run every time a change is made.

Changes to the app's background script (app/src/script.js) cannot be hot-reloaded, after making changes to the script, you will need to either restart the development server (npm run start:app) or rebuild the script with cd app; npm run build:script.

npm Scripts


The entire app is licensed as AGPL-3.0-or-later.