

Syntax Highlighting for Sass

This is a Sublime Text 3 package which purely forced on highlighting both Sass and SCSS syntax as accuracy as possible. Please make sure your Sublime Text 3 version is above Build 3103.

This package has taken over the package name "Sass", please search keyword "sass" from Package Control to install this package.

Known issues:

  1. If you updated this package from the original Sass package you might notice SCSS files are highlighted with the Sass syntax, to solve this issue, please open any .scss file and reset its highlighting syntax with the "Open all with current extension as..." option.

  2. If you need the Emmet CSS abbreviation popup window to work well with the Sass syntax, you probably need to add the following code to your Emmet settings file.

    "css_completions_scope": "source.scss - comment - variable - keyword.control - entity.other, source.sass - comment - variable - keyword.control - entity.other",

New Features

Scopes list

Here is a list of which syntax part is capable to highlight and its scope name. All scope names are following the suggestions of https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/scope_naming.html. If any part from the list down below is not highlighted as expected with your current color scheme, please try to contact the color scheme author to add support for the corresponding scope or modify the color scheme by yourself. Learn more about "color schemes" please take a look at https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/color_schemes.html.

Block Commentcomment.block.css.sass
Sass Line Commentcomment.line.sass
CSS4 Variablevariable.parameter.sass
Sass Variablevariable.parameter.sass
At-rule, Sass Directive, Directive Shorthandkeyword.control.at-rule.css.sass
Type Selector, Universal Selectorentity.name.tag.css.sass
Id Selectorentity.other.attribute-name.id.css.sass
Class Selector, Sass Placeholder Selectorentity.other.attribute-name.class.css.sass
Attribute Selectorentity.other.attribute-name.css.sass
Attribute Selector RegExkeyword.operator.attribute-selector.css.sass
Pseudo Class, Pseudo Elemententity.other.pseudo-class.css.sass
Property Namesupport.type.property-name.css.sass
Property Valuesupport.constant.property-value.css.sass
Quoted Stringstring.quoted.css.sass
Rgb Colorconstant.other.color.rgb-valueb.css.sass
Sass Parent Selectorkeyword.other.parent-selector.sass
Sass Operatorkeyword.operator.css.sass
Sass Mixin and Function Definitionentity.name.function.sass
Sass Mixin and Function Calling Namesupport.function.sass
Sass Interpolationkeyword.control.interpolation.sass
Sass Flagkeyword.other.important.css.sass
Sass Reserved Wordkeyword.other.reserved.sass
Sass Indented Syntax Semicoloninvalid
Sass Indented Syntax Curly Bracketsinvalid


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