



sync / async lock for individual keys

Supports .NET 4.5+

Getting Started

IndividualLocks Install the 3.0 NuGet package.

IndividualReadWriteLocks Install the 1.0 NuGet package.

Release Notes

See the Release Notes


Individual key has its own locking object, you can avoid to lock all the requests via one object.

And it can release the locking objects (and keys) automatically.

FOR Sync scenario: use 'using' to lock object

static readonly IndividualLocks<string> mutex = new IndividualLocks<string>();

public void Work(DateTime date, string people)
    var key = GenerateKey(date, people);

    using (mutex.Lock(key))
        // Do tasks

FOR Async & Sync mixed scenario: use 'using' to lock object

static readonly IndividualLocks<string> mutex = new IndividualLocks<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

public void Work(string city, string area)
    var key = GenerateKey(city, area);

    var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

    using (mutex.Lock(key, cts))
        // Do tasks

public async Task WorkAsync(string city, string area)
    var key = GenerateKey(city, area);

    using (await mutex.LockAsync(key))
        // Do tasks

Multiple Keys Lock, only one of the Works (Work1 & Work2) will get the lock

static readonly IndividualLocks<string> mutex = new IndividualLocks<string>();

public void Work1()
    var keys = new [] {"Key1", "Key2"};

    using (mutex.Lock(keys))
        // Do tasks

public void Work2()
    var keys = new [] {"Key2", "Key3"};

    using (mutex.Lock(keys))
        // Do tasks

IndividualReadWriteLocks Examples

static readonly IndividualReadWriteLocks<string> locks = new IndividualReadWriteLocks<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

public void Read(string city, string area)
    var key = GenerateKey(city, area);

    using (mutex.ReaderLock(key))
        // Do tasks

public void Write(string city, string area)
    var key = GenerateKey(city, area);

    using (mutex.WriterLock(key))
        // Do tasks

public async Task WorkAsync(string city, string area)
    var key = GenerateKey(city, area);

    using (var upgrade = await mutex.UpgradeableReaderLockAsync(key))
        // Do read tasks

        using (await upgrade.UpgradeAsync())
            // Do write tasks