

Origin Backend Take-Home Assignment

System Design

You are designing the user access management service of the microservices architecture above.

There are currently two ways that users can have access to the platform:

  1. Self-sign up - As a DTC company Origin allows users to self-sign up to the platform using their email and password.
  2. Employer eligibility - As a B2B company Origin allows employers to offer access to Origin’s platform via employer benefits, employers must send Origin a file containing all the users enrolled in Origin benefits.

Functional requirements

User Access Management Service should have at least the following REST APIs:

Signup API:

POST (your path design choice)
  "email: "string",
  "password": "string",
	"country": "string/alpha-2/required",
  //Any other fields you need

The signup API receives the user email and password, its flow should be at least:

  1. Check if the email is associated with some employer via the eligibility file
    1. If it is, use employer-provided data to create the user
    2. If not, validate if the email already exists
  2. Validate password strength
    1. Minimum 8 characters, letters, symbols, and numbers
  3. Create the user on User Service

Eligibility file API:

POST (your path design choice)
  "file": "url to some blob storage file"
  "employer_name": "string"

This API receives the URL to a CSV file to be downloaded and processed, CSV file has the following columns:

emailThe email of the employeeTrue
full nameThe name of the employeeFalse
countryThe country of the employeeTrue
birth_dateBirth date of the employeeFalse
salaryThe user salaryFalse

You should process the file line-by-line, checking for the required columns on each line, at the end you should generate a report file containing all the processed and non-processed lines.

During the file processing, it should:

User Service

You don’t have to implement the User Service, you can just assume you have the following APIs

You can assume you have any other API you need that is not described below.

POST /users
  "email": "string/required",
  "password": "string/required"
  "country": "string/alpha-2/required",
  "access_type": "string: dtc|employer / required"
  "full_name": "string/optional",
  "employer_id": "string/optional",
  "birth_date": "date/optional",
  "salary": "decimal/optional"
GET /users?email=value
  "id": "string",
  "email": "string/required",
  "country": "string/alpha-2/required",
  "access_type": "string: dtc|employer / required",
  "full_name": "string/optional",
  "employer_id": "string/optional",
  "birth_date": "date/optional",
  "salary": "decimal/optional"
GET /users/{id}
  "id": "string",
  "email": "string/required",
  "country": "string/alpha-2/required",
  "access_type": "string: dtc|employer / required",
  "full_name": "string/optional",
  "employer_id": "string/optional",
  "birth_date": "date/optional",
  "salary": "decimal/optional"
PATCH /users/{id}
    "field": "country",
    "value": "US"

Employer Service

You don’t have to implement the Employer Service, you can just assume you have the following APIs

You can assume you have any other API you need that is not described bellow.

GET /employers?name=value
  "id": "string"

Non-functional requirements

Delivery instructions