

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues BSD-3 License PyTorch

<!-- PROJECT LOGO --> <br /> <div align="center"> <picture> <!-- User prefers light mode: --> <source srcset="docs/source/assets/coolchic-logo-light.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" alt="Cool-chic Logo" height="200"/> <!-- User prefers dark mode: --> <source srcset="docs/source/assets/coolchic-logo-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" alt="Cool-chic Logo" height="200"/> <!-- User has no color preference: --> <img src="docs/source/assets/coolchic-logo-dark.png" alt="Cool-chic Logo" height="200"/> </picture> <p align="center"> <!-- Low-complexity neural image codec based on overfitting. --> <br /> <a href="https://orange-opensource.github.io/Cool-Chic/"><strong>Explore the docs ยป</strong></a> <br /> <br /> <a href="https://orange-opensource.github.io/Cool-Chic/getting_started/results.html">Decode provided bitstreams</a> ยท <a href="https://orange-opensource.github.io/Cool-Chic/getting_started/results.html#clic20-pro-valid">Compression performance</a> </p> </div> <!-- # What's Cool-chic? -->

Cool-chic (pronounced <span class="ipa">/kul สƒik/</span> as in French ๐Ÿฅ–๐Ÿง€๐Ÿท) is is a low-complexity neural image codec based on overfitting. It offers image coding performance competitive with H.266/VVC for 2000 multiplications per decoded pixel.

Current & future features

Latest release: ๐Ÿš€ Cool-chic 3.3: An even faster decoder! ๐Ÿš€

Check-out the release history to see previous versions of Cool-chic.


More details are available on the Cool-chic page

# We need to get these packages to compile the C API and bind it to python.
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa && sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential python3.10-dev pip
git clone https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/Cool-Chic.git && cd Cool-Chic

# Install create and activate virtual env
python3.10 -m pip install virtualenv
python3.10 -m virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate

# Install Cool-chic
pip install -e .

# Sanity check
python -m test.sanity_check

You're good to go!


The Cool-chic page provides comprehensive rate-distortion results and compressed bitstreams allowing to reproduce the results inside the results/ directory.

DatasetVs. Cool-chic 3.1Vs. C3, Kim et al.Vs. HEVC (HM 16.20)Vs. VVC (VTM 19.1)Avg decoder MAC / pixelAvg decoding time [ms]
kodak<span style="color:green" > - 1.9 % </span><span style="color:green"> - 3.4 % </span><span style="color:green" > - 16.4 % </span><span style="color:#f50" > + 4.5 % </span>188096
clic20-pro-valid<span style="color:green" > - 4.2 % </span><span style="color:green"> - 1.0 % </span><span style="color:green" > - 24.8 % </span><span style="color:green"> - 1.9 % </span>1907364
jvet class B<span style="color:green" > - 7.2 % </span><span style="color:gray"> / </span><span style="color:green" > - 10.8 % </span><span style="color:#f50"> + 19.5 % </span>1803260


<div style="text-align: center;"> <!-- <img src="./results/image/kodak/rd.png" alt="Kodak rd results" width="800" style="centered"/> --> <img src="./docs/source/assets/kodak/rd.png" alt="Kodak rd results" width="750" style="centered"/> <img src="./docs/source/assets/kodak/perf_complexity.png" alt="Kodak performance complexity" width="750" style="centered"/> <!-- <img src="./results/image/jvet/rd.png" alt="CLIC rd results" width="800" style="centered"/> --> </div> <br/>

CLIC20 Pro Valid

<div style="text-align: center;"> <!-- <img src="./results/image/kodak/rd.png" alt="Kodak rd results" width="800" style="centered"/> --> <img src="./docs/source/assets/clic20-pro-valid/rd.png" alt="CLIC20 rd results" width="750" style="centered"/> <img src="./docs/source/assets/clic20-pro-valid/perf_complexity.png" alt="CLIC20 performance complexity" width="750" style="centered"/> <!-- <img src="./results/image/jvet/rd.png" alt="CLIC rd results" width="800" style="centered"/> --> </div> <br/>

JVET Class B

<div style="text-align: center;"> <!-- <img src="./results/image/kodak/rd.png" alt="Kodak rd results" width="800" style="centered"/> --> <img src="./docs/source/assets/jvet/rd_classB.png" alt="JVET class B rd results" width="750" style="centered"/> <img src="./docs/source/assets/jvet/perf_complexity_classB.png" alt="JVET class B performance complexity" width="750" style="centered"/> <!-- <img src="./results/image/jvet/rd.png" alt="CLIC rd results" width="800" style="centered"/> --> </div> <br/>


Special thanks go to Hyunjik Kim, Matthias Bauer, Lucas Theis, Jonathan Richard Schwarz and Emilien Dupont for their great work enhancing Cool-chic: C3: High-performance and low-complexity neural compression from a single image or video, Kim et al.

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</br> <picture> <!-- User has no color preference: --> <img src="docs/source/assets/logo_orange.png" alt="Cool-chic Logo" height="150"/> </picture> </div>