

OpenVPN 3

OpenVPN 3 is a C++ class library that implements the functionality of an OpenVPN client, and is protocol-compatible with the OpenVPN 2.x branch.

OpenVPN 3 includes a minimal client wrapper (cli) that links in with the library and provides basic command line functionality.

OpenVPN 3 is currently used in production as the core of the OpenVPN Connect clients for iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

NOTE: OpenVPN 3 does not currently implement server functionality.


OpenVPN 3 Client API

OpenVPN 3 is organized as a C++ class library, and the API is defined in client/ovpncli.hpp.

A simple command-line wrapper for the API is provided in test/ovpncli/cli.cpp.

Building the OpenVPN 3 client on Linux

These instructions were tested on Ubuntu 22.04.

Install essential dependencies:

$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends ca-certificates cmake g++ git iproute2 ninja-build pkg-config
$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends libasio-dev libcap-dev liblz4-dev libjsoncpp-dev libssl-dev libxxhash-dev

Potentially install optional dependencies:

$ sudo apt install --no-install-recommends libmbedtls-dev liblzo2-dev python3-dev swig

Clone the OpenVPN 3 source repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn3.git

Build the OpenVPN 3 client wrapper (cli) with OpenSSL library:

$ cd openvpn3 && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -GNinja ..
$ cmake --build .
$ ctest # Run Unit Tests

To use mbedTLS, use:

$ cmake -GNinja -DUSE_MBEDTLS=ON ..

Run OpenVPN 3 client:

$ sudo test/ovpncli/ovpncli myprofile.ovpn route-nopull

Options used:

Using cli with ovpn-dco

ovpn-dco is a kernel module which optimises data channel encryption and transport, providing better performance. The cli will detect when the kernel module is available and enable dco automatically (use --no-dco to disable this).

Download, build and install ovpn-dco:

$ sudo apt install make
$ git clone https://github.com/OpenVPN/ovpn-dco.git
$ cd ovpn-dco
$ make && sudo make install
$ sudo modprobe ovpn-dco

Install core dependencies:

$ sudo apt install libnl-genl-3-dev

Build cli with ovpn-dco support:

$ cd $O3/core/build
$ cmake -DCLI_OVPNDCO=ON .. && cmake --build .
$ sudo test/ovpncli/ovpncli [--no-dco] myprofile.ovpn


Building the OpenVPN 3 client on macOS

OpenVPN 3 should be built in a non-root macOS account. Make sure that Xcode is installed with optional command-line tools.

Create the directory ~/src:

$ mkdir -p ~/src

Clone the OpenVPN 3 repo:

$ cd ~/src
$ git clone https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn3.git openvpn3

Install the dependencies:

Ensure that homebrew is set up.

$  brew install asio cmake jsoncpp lz4 openssl pkg-config xxhash

Now build the OpenVPN 3 client executable:

On a ARM64 based Mac:

$ cd ~/src/
$ mkdir build-openvpn3
$ cd build-openvpn3
$ cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/homebrew ~/src/openvpn3
$ cmake --build .

For a build on a Intel based Mac:

$ cd ~/src/
$ mkdir build-openvpn3
$ cd build-openvpn3
$ cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt ~/src/openvpn3
$ cmake --build .

This will build the OpenVPN 3 client library with a small client wrapper (ovpncli) and the unit tests.

These build scripts will create binaries with the same architecture as the host it is running on. The Mac OS X tuntap driver is not required, as OpenVPN 3 can use the integrated utun interface if available.

To view the client wrapper options:

$ ./test/ovpncli/ovpncli -h

To connect:

$ ./test/ovpncli/ovpncli client.ovpn

Building the OpenVPN 3 client for Windows


Building with Visual Studio


To build:

> git clone https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn3.git core && cd core
> set VCPKG_ROOT=<path to vcpkg checkout>
> cmake --preset win-amd64-release
> cmake --build --preset win-amd64-release --target ovpncli

Building with MinGW

This build should work on both Windows and Linux.


To build:

$ git clone https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn3.git core && cd core
$ export VCPKG_ROOT=<path to vcpkg checkout>
$ cmake --preset mingw-x64-release
$ cmake --build --preset mingw-x64-release --target ovpncli


The OpenVPN 3 core includes a stress/performance test of the OpenVPN protocol implementation. The test basically creates a virtualized lossy network between two OpenVPN protocol objects, triggers TLS negotiations between them, passes control/data channel messages, and measures the ability of the OpenVPN protocol objects to perform and remain in a valid state.

The OpenVPN protocol implementation that is being tested is here: openvpn/ssl/proto.hpp

The test code itself is here: test/unittests/test_proto.cpp It will be built and run as part of the unit test suite.

The unit tests are based on Google Test framework. To run unit tests, you need to install CMake and build Google Test.

Build and run tests on Linux:

$ cd $O3/core/build
$ cmake --build . -- test/unittests/coreUnitTests
$ make test

Developer Guide

OpenVPN 3 is written in C++17 and developers who are moving from C to C++ should take some time to familiarize themselves with key C++ design patterns such as RAII.

OpenVPN 3 Client Core

OpenVPN 3 is designed as a class library, with an API that is essentially defined inside of namespace openvpn::ClientAPI with headers and implementation in client and header-only library files under openvpn.

The concise definition of the client API is essentially class openvpn::ClientAPI::OpenVPNClient in client/ovpncli.hpp with several important extensions to the API found in:

OpenVPN 3 includes a command-line reference client (cli) for testing the API. See test/ovpncli/cli.cpp.

The basic approach to building an OpenVPN 3 client is to define a client class that derives from openvpn::ClientAPI::OpenVPNClient, then provide implementations for callbacks including event and logging notifications:

class Client : public ClientAPI::OpenVPNClient
    virtual void event(const Event&) override {  // events delivered here
    virtual void log(const LogInfo&) override {  // logging delivered here


To start the client, first create a openvpn::ProtoContext::ProtoConfig object and initialize it with the OpenVPN config file and other options:

ProtoContext::ProtoConfig config;
config.content = <config_file_content_as_multiline_string>;

Next, create a client object and evaluate the configuration:

Client client;
ClientAPI::EvalConfig eval = client.eval_config(config);
if (eval.error)
    throw ...;

Finally, in a new worker thread, start the connection:

ClientAPI::Status connect_status = client.connect();

Note that client.connect() will not return until the session has terminated.

Top Layer

The top layer of the OpenVPN 3 client is implemented in test/ovpncli/cli.cpp and openvpn/client/cliopt.hpp. Most of what this code does is marshalling the configuration and dispatching the higher-level objects that implement the OpenVPN client session.


class openvpn::ClientConnect in openvpn/client/cliconnect.hpp implements the top-level connection logic for an OpenVPN client connection. It is concerned with starting, stopping, pausing, and resuming OpenVPN client connections. It deals with retrying a connection and handles the connection timeout. It also deals with connection exceptions and understands the difference between an exception that should halt any further reconnection attempts (such as AUTH_FAILED), and other exceptions such as network errors that would justify a retry.

Some of the methods in the class (such as stop, pause, and reconnect) are often called by another thread that is controlling the connection, therefore thread-safe methods are provided where the thread-safe function posts a message to the actual connection thread.

In an OpenVPN client connection, the following object stack would be used:

  1. class openvpn::ClientConnect in openvpn/client/cliconnect.hpp --- The top-layer object in an OpenVPN client connection.
  2. class openvpn::ClientProto::Session in openvpn/client/cliproto.hpp --- The OpenVPN client protocol object that subinstantiates the transport and tun layer objects.
  3. class openvpn::ProtoContext in openvpn/ssl/proto.hpp --- The core OpenVPN protocol implementation that is common to both client and server.
  4. openvpn::ProtoStackBase (with openvpn::Packet) in openvpn/ssl/protostack.hpp --- The bottom-layer class that implements the basic functionality of tunneling a protocol over a reliable or unreliable transport layer, but isn't specific to OpenVPN per-se.

Transport Layer

OpenVPN 3 defines abstract base classes for Transport layer implementations in openvpn/transport/client/transbase.hpp.

Currently, transport layer implementations are provided for:

Tun Layer

OpenVPN 3 defines abstract base classes for Tun layer implementations in openvpn/tun/client/tunbase.hpp.

There are two possible approaches to define a Tun layer implementation:

  1. Use a VPN API-centric model (such as for Android or iOS). These models derive from class openvpn::TunBuilderBase in openvpn/tun/builder/base.hpp
  2. Use an OS-specific model such as:

Protocol Layer

The OpenVPN protocol is implemented in class openvpn::ProtoContext in openvpn/ssl/proto.hpp.

Options Processing

The parsing and query of the OpenVPN config file is implemented by class openvpn::OptionList in openvpn/common/options.hpp.

Note that OpenVPN 3 always assumes an inline style of configuration, where all certs, keys, etc. are defined inline rather than through an external file reference.

For config files that do use external file references, class openvpn::ProfileMerge in openvpn/options/merge.hpp is provided to merge those external file references into an inline form.

Calling the Client API from other languages

The OpenVPN 3 client API, as defined by class openvpn::ClientAPI::OpenVPNClient in client/ovpncli.hpp, can be wrapped by the Swig tool to create bindings for other languages.

For example, OpenVPN Connect for Android creates a Java binding of the API using client/ovpncli.i.


When developing security software in C++, it's very important to take advantage of the language and OpenVPN library code to insulate code from the kinds of bugs that can introduce security vulnerabilities.

Here is a brief set of guidelines:



The OpenVPN 3 client core is designed to run in a single thread, with the UI or controller driving the OpenVPN API running in a different thread.

It's almost never necessary to create additional threads within the OpenVPN 3 client core.


