Bloc serialization features to store/unstore BlElements.
Getting Started
To install Bloc-Serialization on your Pharo image you can just execute the following script:
Metacello new
baseline: 'BlocSerialization';
repository: 'github://OpenSmock/Bloc-Serialization:main/src';
How to use
Use this method to serialize any BlElement into a String.
blElement := BlElement new.
string := blElement serialize.
Use same method to serialize a list of BlElement into a String.
oc := OrderedCollection new.
oc add: BlElement new.
oc add: BlElement new.
oc add: BlElement new.
string := oc serialize.
Materialization (Deserialization)
Use this method to materialize any serialized String into a BlElement. Of course, you need to know that the string is a serialized BlElement.
blElement := string materializeAsBlElement.
Use this method to materialize any serialized String into a BlElement collection. Of course, you need to know that the string is a serialized Collection.
oc := string materializeAsBlElement.
Tips : you can quickly copy a BlElement
using BlElement>>serializeThenMaterialize
element := BlElement new.
copy := element serializeThenMaterialize.
Exception / Error
Serialization or Materialization process return some exceptions in case of problems :
Serialization backends
Actually STON
is the only backend used for serialization. The project architecture allow to add anothers serialization backends if needed.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.