


This project is obsolete, the functionality is provided by the oscap-docker tool that ships with OpenSCAP.

Container Compliance

Resources and tools to assert compliance of containers (rocket, docker, ...).

Build Status

Vulnerability scan of Docker image

# oscap-docker image-cve IMAGE_NAME \
    [--results OVAL.XML [--report REPORT.HTML]]

This command will attach docker image, determine OS variant/version, download CVE stream applicable to the given OS, and finally run vulnerability scan.

Exemplary usage

Tested on Fedora host.

# yum install openscap-scanner docker-io
# service docker start
# docker pull docker.io/rhel7
# oscap-docker image-cve docker.io/rhel7 \
    --results oval.xml --report rhel7.html
$ firefox rhel7.html

Scanning Docker image using OpenSCAP

Run any OpenSCAP command within chroot of mounted docker image.

# oscap-docker image IMAGE_NAME [OSCAP_ARGUMENTS]

Learn more about OSCAP_ARGUMENTS in man oscap.

Exemplary usage

Tested on Fedora host.

# yum install scap-security-guide openscap-scanner docker-io
# sed -i 's/<platform idref=.*$//g' /usr/share/xml/scap/ssg/fedora/ssg-fedora-ds.xml
# service docker start
# docker pull fedora
# oscap-docker image fedora xccdf eval \
    --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_common \

Scanning Docker container

Run OpenSCAP scan within chroot of running docker container. This may differ from scanning docker image due to defined mount points.

# oscap-docker container CONTAINER_NAME [OSCAP_ARGUMENTS]

Vulnerability scan of Docker container

Run OpenSCAP scan within chroot of running docker container. This may differ from scanning docker image due to defined mount points.

# oscap-docker container-cve CONTAINER_NAME \
    [--results OVAL.XML [--report REPORT.HTML]]

Future features

Vulnerability scan of all images

The output of the tool could look like:

# oscap-docker cve --all --download --arf report-arf.xml
Fetching OVAL definitions for RHSA ........ ok
Inflating ....... ok
Scanning rhel7-elasticsearch ...... ok (compliant, no CVE identified)
Scanning rhel7-mongodb ......... fail (2 CVE found)
Scanning ubuntu-httpd ......... notchecked (no CVE definitions)
Exporting Asset Report ......... ok
CVE Scan finished in 1m35s

Contribute ? Build yourself ?


In order to build this image, you will need:

Basic workflow

  1. Fork this repository on Github
  2. Clone your forked version on your machine
  3. Within your command line, navigate to the root of this repository
  4. Just run one of these make targets:

Under the Hood


Copyright (c) 2014--2015 Šimon Lukašík

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.