


Table of Contents


Driver for Kinect for Windows v2 (K4W2) devices (release and developer preview).

Note: libfreenect2 does not do anything for either Kinect for Windows v1 or Kinect for Xbox 360 sensors. Use libfreenect1 for those sensors.

If you are using libfreenect2 in an academic context, please cite our work using the following DOI: DOI

If you use the KDE depth unwrapping algorithm implemented in the library, please also cite this ECCV 2016 paper.

This driver supports:

Missing features:

Watch the OpenKinect wiki at www.openkinect.org and the mailing list at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openkinect for the latest developments and more information about the K4W2 USB protocol.

The API reference documentation is provided here https://openkinect.github.io/libfreenect2/.


Hardware requirements

Intel and NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are known to work. ASMedia controllers are known to not work.

Virtual machines likely do not work, because USB 3.0 isochronous transfer is quite delicate.

Requirements for multiple Kinects

It has been reported to work for up to 5 devices on a high-end PC using multiple separate PCI Express USB3 expansion cards (with NEC controller chip). If you're using Linux, you may have to increase USBFS memory buffers. Depending on the number of Kinects, you may need to use an even larger buffer size. If you're using an expansion card, make sure it's not plugged into an PCI-E x1 slot. A single lane doesn't have enough bandwidth. x8 or x16 slots usually work.

Operating system requirements

Requirements for optional features

Troubleshooting and reporting bugs

First, check https://github.com/OpenKinect/libfreenect2/wiki/Troubleshooting for known issues.

When you report USB issues, please attach relevant debug log from running the program with environment variable LIBUSB_DEBUG=3, and relevant log from dmesg. Also include relevant hardware information lspci and lsusb -t.



Windows / Visual Studio

Windows / vcpkg

You can download and install libfreenect2 using the vcpkg dependency manager:

git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
vcpkg install libfreenect2

The libfreenect2 port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.


Use your favorite package managers (brew, ports, etc.) to install most if not all dependencies:


Note: Ubuntu 12.04 is too old to support. Debian jessie may also be too old, and Debian stretch is implied in the following.