

MapLibre GL Dates

This is a plugin for MapLibre GL JS for filtering the map based on a date. The plugin is designed for use with OpenHistoricalMap data.


This plugin requires MapLibre GL JS v3.0.0 and above.

This plugin is able to manipulate both the deprecated legacy filter syntax and the newer expression syntax defined in the MapLibre Style Specification.

The stylesheet must be backed by a vector tileset, such as OpenHistoricalMap’s official vector tileset, that includes the following properties in each tile layer:

start_dateStringThe date the feature came into existence as a date string.
start_decdateNumberThe date the feature came into existence as a decimal year.
end_dateStringThe date the feature went out of existence as a date string.
end_decdateNumberThe date the feature went out of existence as a decimal year.

A date string is a date in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format, similar to ISO 8601-1 format. A decimal year is a floating-point number such that each integer represents midnight on New Year’s Day. An implementation of decimal year conversion functions is available for PL/pgSQL.

All properties are optional, but the plugin will only have an effect if one or more of these properties is present in the tileset. For performance reasons, if a given feature has a start_decdate or end_decdate property, this plugin prefers it over the start_date or end_date property.

Regardless of the data type, all dates are interpreted according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. As there is no Year Zero, the value 1.0 falls on New Year’s Day of 1 CE, the value 0.0 falls on 1 BCE, the value -1.0 falls on 2 BCE, etc.


This plugin is available as an NPM plugin. To install it, run the following command:

npm install @openhistoricalmap/maplibre-gl-dates


After creating an instance of maplibregl.Map, register an event listener for the styledata event that filters the map:

map.once('styledata', function (event) {

If you set the hash option to a string when creating the Map, you can have this code respond to a date parameter in the URL hash:

map.once('styledata', function (event) {
  let params = new URLSearchParams(location.hash.substring(1));
  let date = params.get('date') || new Date();

And you can add a window event listener for whenever the hash changes, in order to update the filter:

addEventListener('hashchange', function (event) {
  let oldParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(event.oldURL).hash.substring(1));
  let newParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(event.newURL).hash.substring(1));
  let oldDate = oldParams.get('date') || new Date();
  let newDate = newParams.get('date') || new Date();
  if (oldDate !== newDate) {


This plugin adds a single method to each instance of maplibregl.Map.


Filters the map’s features by a date.


dateDate or date stringThe date to filter by.

A date string is defined as a date in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format, similar to ISO 8601-1 format. If the date is only given to year precision, every feature overlapping that year is included; likewise, if the date is given to month precision, every feature overlapping that month is included. Negative years are supported as described in “Requirements”.


Please submit bug reports and feature requests to OpenHistoricalMap’s central issue tracker, noting “maplibre-gl-dates” somewhere in the title or description.