This repositery contains all necessary hardware description to use the OpenCAPI(OC) technology available in any Power9 processors. It contains the TLx and DLx blocs, require to connect to the TL/DL of Power9
It can be used to prepare the code of an FPGA:
- either in standalone mode, to basically attach a card containing an FPGA to the Power9 OC link
- or as a submodule of OpenCAPI Acceleration Framework (OC-Accel).
In the latter, OC-Accel offers a way to program the FPGA without pain, using HDL langages or HLS (high level Synthesis).
OC-Accel doc can be found here:
Supported Cards
- Alphadata 9V3
- Alphadata 9H3 with default XCVU33P
- Alphadata 9H3 with XCVU35P
- Alphadata 9H7
- Bittware 250-SoC
Supported AFUs
Build AFU
vivado -mode batch -source create_project.tcl
The top module is in board_support_packages/<CARD>/verilog/hdk_top/oc_fpga_top.v