

openEO Processes

openEO develops interoperable processes for big Earth observation cloud processing. This repository contains the process specifications. Each process is specified in a separate JSON file, which conforms to the corresponding API process schema.

Versions / Branches

The master branch is the 'stable' version of the openEO processes specification. An exception is the proposals folder, which provides experimental new processes currently under discussion. They may still change, but everyone is encouraged to implement them and give feedback.

The latest release is version 2.0.0-rc.1. The draft branch is where active development takes place. PRs should be made against the draft branch.

Version / BranchStatusopenEO API versions
unreleased / draftin development1.x.x
2.0.0 RC1 / masterupcoming version (RC)1.x.x
1.2.0latest stable version1.x.x
1.1.0legacy version1.x.x
1.0.0legacy version1.x.x
1.0.0 RC1legacy version1.x.x
0.4.2legacy version0.4.x
0.4.1legacy version0.4.x
0.4.0legacy version0.4.x

Note: https://processes.openeo.org always points to the latest released version.

See also the changelog for the changes between versions and the milestones for a rough roadmap based on GitHub issues.


This repository contains a set of files formally describing the openEO Processes:
