


This module is currently not in development. We are no longer accepting any pull requests to this repository. OneGet is in a stable state and is expected to recieve only high-priority bug fixes from Microsoft in the future.

Alternatively, we would suggest looking at the community AnyPackage project as an actively developed replacement for OneGet.

If you have a question, or are seeing an unexpected behavior from this module please open up an issue in this repository.

The PowerShell/PowerShellGet repository is actively in development as the new PowerShell package manager.

Build Status - Master

AppVeyor (Windows)Travis CI (Linux / macOS)

Build Status - Nightly Builds

AppVeyor (Windows)

PackageManagement (aka OneGet)

What's New

PackageManagement is supported in Windows, Linux and MacOS now. We periodically make binary drops to PowerShellCore, meaning PackageManagement is a part of PowerShell Core releases. Also PackageManagement and PowershellGet Modules are regularly updated in PowerShellGallery.com.

Thus check out the latest version from PowerShellGallery.com.

Get Started!

OneGet is shipped in Win10 and Windows Server 2016! For downlevel OS, you can install the WMF 5.1 and then start using the OneGet.

You can follow @PSOneGet on Twitter to be notified of every new build.

What is PackageManagement (OneGet)?

OneGet is a Windows package manager, renamed as PackageManagement. It is a unified interface to package management systems and aims to make Software Discovery, Installation, and Inventory (SDII) work via a common set of cmdlets (and eventually a set of APIs). Regardless of the installation technology underneath, users can use these common cmdlets to install/uninstall packages, add/remove/query package repositories, and query a system for the software installed.

With OneGet, you can

PackageManagement Architecture



Let's Try it


Working with PowerShellGallery.com

# 1.check available providers

PS E:\> get-packageprovider

Name                     Version          DynamicOptions
----                     -------          --------------
msi                      AdditionalArguments
PowerShellGet            PackageManagementProvider, Type...
Programs                 IncludeWindowsInstaller,...

# 2. find a module from the PowerShell gallery, for example, xjea

PS E:\> find-module xjea

NuGet provider is required to continue
PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to interact with NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet provider must be available in 'C:\Program
Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies' or 'C:\Users\jianyunt\AppData\Local\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies'. You can also install the NuGet provider by
running 'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force'. Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now?
[Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y

Version    Name           Repository           Description
-------    ----           ----------           -----------    xJea           PSGallery             Module with DSC Resources for Just Enough...

# 3. install a module from the PowerShell gallery

PS E:\> Install-Module xjea

Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are
you sure you want to install the modules from 'gallery'?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"): y

# 4. Find out if a module is installed

PS E:\> Get-InstalledModule -name xjea

Version    Name        Repository      Description
-------    ----        ----------       -----------    xJea        gallery          Module with DSC Resources for Just Enough Admin (JEA)..

# 5. Uninstall a module

PS E:\> Uninstall-Module -name xjea

Working with http://www.NuGet.org repository

# find a package from the nuget repository

PS E:\> find-package -name jquery -provider Nuget -Source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2

Name           Version          Source           Summary
----           -------          ------           -------
jQuery          3.1.1            nuget.org        jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....

# install a package from NuGet repository

PS E:\> install-package -name jquery -provider Nuget -Source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2

The package(s) come(s) from a package source that is not marked as trusted.
Are you sure you want to install software from 'nuget.org'?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"): y

Name             Version          Source           Summary
----             -------          ------           -------
jQuery           3.1.1            nuget.org        jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....

# Uninstall the package

PS E:\> uninstall-package jquery

Name            Version          Source           Summary
----            -------          ------           -------
jQuery          3.1.1            C:\Program Fi... jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....

# Register a package Source

PS E:\> Register-PackageSource -name test -ProviderName NuGet -Location https://www.nuget.org/api/v2

Name             ProviderName     IsTrusted  Location
----              ------------     ---------  --------
test              NuGet            False      https://www.nuget.org/api/v2

# find a package from the registered package Source

PS E:\> find-package -Source test -name jquery

Name                Version          Source           Summary
----                -------          ------           -------
jQuery              3.1.1            test             jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....

Try the latest PackageManagement (OneGet)

You can run install-module PowerShellGet to install the latest PackageManagment and PowerShellGet from PowerShellGallery.

Downloading the Source Code

OneGet repo has a number of other repositories embeded as submodules. To make things easy, you can just clone recursively:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/OneGet/oneget.git

If you already cloned but forgot to use --recursive, you can update submodules manually:

git submodule update --init

Building the code

# After cloning this repository, go to the project folder:
> cd oneget
> cd src

# download the dotnet cli tool
> .\bootstrap.ps1

# building OneGet for fullclr
> .\build.ps1 net452

#building OneGet for coreclr
> .\build.ps1 netstandard2.0

If successfully built above, you should be able to see a folder: oneget\src\out\PackageManagement\ whose layout looks like below:

Deploying it

Generate PackageManagement.nupkg

We can use publish-module to create a .nupkg. Assuming you want to put the generated .nupkg in c:\test folder. You can do something like below. Note I cloned to E:\OneGet folder.

cd E:\OneGet\oneget\src\out\PackageManagement
Register-PSRepository -name local -SourceLocation c:\test
Publish-Module -path .\ -Repository local
PS E:\OneGet\oneget\src\out\PackageManagement> dir c:\test\PackageManagement*.nupkg

   Directory: C:\test

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        11/4/2016   4:15 PM        1626335 PackageManagement.

Then you can do

find-module -Repository local
install-module -Repository local -Name PackageManagement

to get the newly built PackageManagement on your machines.

Manual copy

You can also manually copy the OneGet binaries. For example, copy the entire E:\OneGet\oneget\src\out\PackageManagement folder you just built to your $env:Programfiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PackageManagement\#onegetversion\

If you are running within PowerShellCore, similarily drop the PackageManagement folder to your $env:Programfiles\PowerShell\#psversion\Modules\PackageManagement\#onegetversion\,

or copy to /opt/microsoft/powershell/<psversion>/Modules/PackageManagement/#onegetversion/, if you are running on Linux or Mac.

Note: OneGet version number can be found from the PackageManagement.psd1 file.

Testing the code

> cd oneget
> cd Test
> & '.\run-tests.ps1' fullclr
> & '.\run-tests.ps1' coreclr

Understanding the OneGet code repository

Feel free to clone the repository and check out the different branches:


There are currently three branches in the git repository:

masterThe master branch is where the daily builds of OneGet will be made from.
WMF5_RTMThe WMF5_RTM tag is to mark the WMF 5.0 RTM release point.
TP5The TP5 tag is to mark the TP5 release point.
wipThe wip branch is where the current unstable and not-likely-working coding is taking place. This lets you see where I'm at before stuff actually hits the master branch. Fun to read, but really, the wild-west of code branches.

Team Members

@sydneyhsmithProgram Manager on OneGet.
@jianyuntEngineer owner on OneGet & its providers.
@edyoungOur engineer manager on OneGet.
@alericksonEngineer on the team.

Follow us on Twitter

More Resources


This module is currently not in development. We are no longer accepting any pull requests to this repository. OneGet is in a stable state and is expected to recieve only high-priority bug fixes from Microsoft in the future.

If you have a question, or are seeing an unexpected behavior from this module please open up an issue in this repository.

The PowerShell/PowerShellGet repository is actively in development as the new PowerShell package manager.

Build Status - Master

AppVeyor (Windows)Travis CI (Linux / macOS)

Build Status - Nightly Builds

AppVeyor (Windows)

PackageManagement (aka OneGet)

What's New

PackageManagement is supported in Windows, Linux and MacOS now. We periodically make binary drops to PowerShellCore, meaning PackageManagement is a part of PowerShell Core releases. Also PackageManagement and PowershellGet Modules are regularly updated in PowerShellGallery.com.

Thus check out the latest version from PowerShellGallery.com.

Get Started!

OneGet is shipped in Win10 and Windows Server 2016! For downlevel OS, you can install the WMF 5.1 and then start using the OneGet.

You can follow @PSOneGet on Twitter to be notified of every new build.

What is PackageManagement (OneGet)?

OneGet is a Windows package manager, renamed as PackageManagement. It is a unified interface to package management systems and aims to make Software Discovery, Installation, and Inventory (SDII) work via a common set of cmdlets (and eventually a set of APIs). Regardless of the installation technology underneath, users can use these common cmdlets to install/uninstall packages, add/remove/query package repositories, and query a system for the software installed.

With OneGet, you can

PackageManagement Architecture



Let's Try it


Working with PowerShellGallery.com

# 1.check available providers
PS E:\> get-packageprovider
Name                     Version          DynamicOptions
----                     -------          --------------
msi                      AdditionalArguments
PowerShellGet            PackageManagementProvider, Type...
Programs                 IncludeWindowsInstaller,...
# 2. find a module from the PowerShell gallery, for example, xjea
PS E:\> find-module xjea
NuGet provider is required to continue
PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to interact with NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet provider must be available in 'C:\Program
Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies' or 'C:\Users\jianyunt\AppData\Local\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies'. You can also install the NuGet provider by
running 'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force'. Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import the NuGet provider now?
[Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
Version    Name           Repository           Description
-------    ----           ----------           -----------    xJea           PSGallery             Module with DSC Resources for Just Enough...
# 3. install a module from the PowerShell gallery
PS E:\> Install-Module xjea
Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are
you sure you want to install the modules from 'gallery'?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"): y
# 4. Find out if a module is installed
PS E:\> Get-InstalledModule -name xjea
Version    Name        Repository      Description
-------    ----        ----------       -----------    xJea        gallery          Module with DSC Resources for Just Enough Admin (JEA)..
# 5. Uninstall a module
PS E:\> Uninstall-Module -name xjea

Working with http://www.NuGet.org repository

# find a package from the nuget repository
PS E:\> find-package -name jquery -provider Nuget -Source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
Name           Version          Source           Summary
----           -------          ------           -------
jQuery          3.1.1            nuget.org        jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....
# install a package from NuGet repository
PS E:\> install-package -name jquery -provider Nuget -Source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
The package(s) come(s) from a package source that is not marked as trusted.
Are you sure you want to install software from 'nuget.org'?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"): y
Name             Version          Source           Summary
----             -------          ------           -------
jQuery           3.1.1            nuget.org        jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....
# Uninstall the package
PS E:\> uninstall-package jquery
Name            Version          Source           Summary
----            -------          ------           -------
jQuery          3.1.1            C:\Program Fi... jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....
# Register a package Source
PS E:\> Register-PackageSource -name test -ProviderName NuGet -Location https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
Name             ProviderName     IsTrusted  Location
----              ------------     ---------  --------
test              NuGet            False      https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
# find a package from the registered package Source
PS E:\> find-package -Source test -name jquery
Name                Version          Source           Summary
----                -------          ------           -------
jQuery              3.1.1            test             jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library....

Try the latest PackageManagement (OneGet)

You can run install-module PowerShellGet to install the latest PackageManagment and PowerShellGet from PowerShellGallery.

Downloading the Source Code

OneGet repo has a number of other repositories embeded as submodules. To make things easy, you can just clone recursively:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/OneGet/oneget.git

If you already cloned but forgot to use --recursive, you can update submodules manually:

git submodule update --init

Building the code

# After cloning this repository, go to the project folder:
> cd oneget
> cd src
# download the dotnet cli tool
> .\bootstrap.ps1
# building OneGet for fullclr
> .\build.ps1 net452
#building OneGet for coreclr
> .\build.ps1 netstandard2.0

If successfully built above, you should be able to see a folder: oneget\src\out\PackageManagement\ whose layout looks like below:

Deploying it

Generate PackageManagement.nupkg

We can use publish-module to create a .nupkg. Assuming you want to put the generated .nupkg in c:\test folder. You can do something like below. Note I cloned to E:\OneGet folder.

cd E:\OneGet\oneget\src\out\PackageManagement
Register-PSRepository -name local -SourceLocation c:\test
Publish-Module -path .\ -Repository local
PS E:\OneGet\oneget\src\out\PackageManagement> dir c:\test\PackageManagement*.nupkg
   Directory: C:\test
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        11/4/2016   4:15 PM        1626335 PackageManagement.

Then you can do

find-module -Repository local
install-module -Repository local -Name PackageManagement

to get the newly built PackageManagement on your machines.

Manual copy

You can also manually copy the OneGet binaries. For example, copy the entire E:\OneGet\oneget\src\out\PackageManagement folder you just built to your $env:Programfiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PackageManagement\#onegetversion\

If you are running within PowerShellCore, similarily drop the PackageManagement folder to your $env:Programfiles\PowerShell\#psversion\Modules\PackageManagement\#onegetversion\,

or copy to /opt/microsoft/powershell/<psversion>/Modules/PackageManagement/#onegetversion/, if you are running on Linux or Mac.

Note: OneGet version number can be found from the PackageManagement.psd1 file.

Testing the code

> cd oneget
> cd Test
> & '.\run-tests.ps1' fullclr
> & '.\run-tests.ps1' coreclr

Understanding the OneGet code repository

OneGet is under rapid development, so you get to see just how the sausage is being made. I try to keep the master branch clean and buildable, but my own working branch can get pretty damn wild and I make no bones about some of this. I work fast, I make big changes, and I try to keep my eye on the target.

Feel free to clone the repository and check out the different branches:


There are currently three branches in the git repository:

masterThe master branch is where the daily builds of OneGet will be made from.
WMF5_RTMThe WMF5_RTM tag is to mark the WMF 5.0 RTM release point.
TP5The TP5 tag is to mark the TP5 release point.
wipThe wip branch is where the current unstable and not-likely-working coding is taking place. This lets you see where I'm at before stuff actually hits the master branch. Fun to read, but really, the wild-west of code branches.

Team Members

@sydneyhsmithProgram Manager on OneGet.
@jianyuntEngineer owner on OneGet & its providers.
@edyoungOur engineer manager on OneGet.
@alericksonEngineer on the team.

Follow us on Twitter

More Resources