

<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://github.com/OneFolderApp/OneFolder/assets/27826950/e12e0f46-a1a8-484f-a443-b71d4a30d37f"> <img alt="Text changing depending on mode. Light: 'So light!' Dark: 'So dark!'" src="https://github.com/OneFolderApp/OneFolder/assets/27826950/b6291e54-daf9-42c1-8649-ec14532d79c7"> </picture>

What is it?

Desktop app to view your photos like you do in Google Photos or Apple Photos (e.g. Calendar, list, map, etc..) but locally and respecting metadata open standards (not creating a separate database to store that information*).

Sorting your files this way ensures you always own them, and can store them wathever you want: any cloud provider, a USB Drive or just your computer. They are just files!

of-screenshot Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 08 33-PhotoRoom


Comming soon:

Do you want to help?

There is many ways people can help:

If you are interested here is a form so we can reach out: https://forms.gle/TpU1NxBQSreadki18



This project is a fork from Allusion.

Quick Start

You need to have NodeJS and a package manager such as Yarn installed. Then run the following commands to get started:

  1. Run yarn install to install or update all necessary dependencies.
  2. Run yarn dev to build the project files to the /build directory. This will keep running to immediately build changed files when they are updated.
  3. In a second terminal, run yarn start to start the application. Refresh the window (Ctrl/Cmd + R) after modifying a file to load the updated build files.

Release Build

An installable executable can be built using yarn package for your platform in the /dist folder. The building is performed using the electron-builder package, and is configured by a section in the package.json file. Builds are automatically published to Github Releases when a tag is created in GitHub.

Star History

Star History Chart