

OneBusAway Docker Images

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This repository contains scripts and configuration for building version 2 of the OneBusAway Application Suite for use with Docker.

Running locally

To build bundles and run the webapp server with your own GTFS feed, use the Docker Compose services in this repository.

Building bundles

To build a bundle, use the oba_bundler service:

GTFS_URL=https://www.soundtransit.org/GTFS-rail/40_gtfs.zip docker-compose up oba_bundler

This process will create all necessary bundle files and metadata, and all will be accessible in your local repo's ./bundle directory.

When the GTFS_URL is unspecified, oba_bundler will download and use the GTFS data for Davis, CA's Unitrans service. This can be used with the bin/validate.sh script to verify that the stack is working correctly.

docker-compose up oba_bundler

Running the OneBusAway server

Once you have a built OBA bundle inside ./bundle, you can run the OBA server and make it accessible on your host machine with:

docker-compose up oba_app

You will then have three webapps available:

When done using this web server, you can use the shell-standard ^C to exit out and turn it off. If issues persist across runs, you can try using docker-compose down -v and then docker-compose up oba_app to refresh the Docker containers and services.

Inspecting the database

The MySQL database Docker Compose service should remain up after a call of docker-compose up oba_app. Otherwise, you can always invoke it using docker-compose up oba_database.

A database port is open to your host machine, so you can connect to it programmatically using mysql:

mysql -u oba_user -p -h localhost:3306


Published Images

You can find the latest published Docker images on Docker Hub:

Deployment Parameters

The GTFS-RT and Google Map related variables will be handled by the oba/bootstrap.sh script, which will set the config files for the OBA API webapp. If you want to use your own config files, you could set USER_CONFIGURED=1 in the oba_app service in docker-compose.yml to skip bootstrap.sh and write your config file in the container.

    container_name: oba_app
      - oba_database
      context: ./oba
      # database configs are read from environment variables
      - JDBC_URL=jdbc:mysql://oba_database:3306/oba_database
      - JDBC_USER=oba_user
      - JDBC_PASSWORD=oba_password
      # change this to your GTFS url
      - GTFS_URL=https://unitrans.ucdavis.edu/media/gtfs/Unitrans_GTFS.zip
      # skip bootstrap.sh and use user-configured config files

You will also need to create a transit data bundle from a GTFS Zip file. This needs more documentation, but this README does a decent job of outlining the process. The only tricky part is that you need to get it into your running container. Currently, we recommend building it locally, uploading the contents of the ./bundle directory to S3 or another publicly accessible website, and then downloading it into your container. Obviously, this needs some improvement.

Deploy to Render

Render is an easy-to-use Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider. You can host OneBusAway on Render by either manually configuring it or by clicking the button below.

Deploy to Render

Running in Kubernetes

Creating the docker images

  1. Build the bundler image:
docker build ./bundler -t oba/bundler:test
  1. Build the app image:
docker build ./oba -t oba/app:test

Creating the Kubernetes resources:

Apply the Kubernetes resources in oba.yaml

kubectl apply -f oba.yaml

The YAML file deploys the OneBusAway application and a MySQL database within a dedicated oba namespace in Kubernetes. It also sets up a secret for sensitive data and a ConfigMap for GTFS data URL, while exposing the database as a service for other pods to access.

You can portforward the oba app to your localhost using:

kubectl port-forward deploy/oba-app-deployment -n oba 8080:8080

Inspecting the database

You can portforward the service to your localhost using:

kubectl port-forward service/oba-database -n oba 3306:3306

Then you can connect to it programmatically using mysql:

mysql -u oba_user -p -h localhost:3306

Using Google Maps


Configuring Google Maps

You'll need to set the following environment variables:

Docker Configuration

If using Docker Compose:

1.Modify the 'docker-compose.yml' file like this:


2.Use the following command to start the oba-app service:

docker-compose up -d oba-app

If deployed in Kubernetes environment:

1.Use the kubectl set env command to set new environment variables, make sure you replace deployment/oba-app with the actual name of your deployment:

kubectl set env deployment/oba-app GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=<YOUR_KEY_HERE> \

2.Use the following command to rebuild and start the oba app service:

kubectl rollout restart deployment/oba-app