

Deprecation notice

Please note that the underlying White framework has been deprecated (Dec 2019). That means we will stop developing this wrapper library and encourage users to migrate to other tools. Please check White automation framework project page for suggestions.


WhiteLibrary provides the means to automate Windows GUI technologies with Robot Framework. WhiteLibrary wraps the White automation framework.

Supported technologies include:

Version Build Status


Stable version

Installing the latest stable release:

pip install --upgrade robotframework-whitelibrary

Release notes

Development version

Installing the version containing the latest updates in master:

pip install --upgrade --pre robotframework-whitelibrary


GUI inspection

Item locators can be found using a GUI inspection tool, for example Inspect.exe or UIAVerify that are included in Windows SDK.

Windows 10 SDK: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk

Select at least the following features in the installer:

Windows 7 SDK: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8279


Development environment

This section contains instructions for developing WhiteLibrary.


pip install robotframework pythonnet

or alternatively you could use the provided requirements files (requirements.txt or requirements-dev.txt):

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

WhiteLibrary installation


Building the test application

Open UIAutomationTest\UIAutomationTest.sln in Visual Studio and build the solution in Visual Studio. This will create the executable used in the Robot test suite, UIAutomationTest\bin\Debug\UIAutomationTest.exe.

Running tests with Robot Framework

robot --outputdir output --exclude no_ci --loglevel DEBUG:INFO atests
robot --outputdir output --exclude no_ci --loglevel DEBUG:INFO -t "Example Test Case" atests

Running Static Analysis

Project relies on flake8 and pylint for static analysis. In order to run those locally, one has to install them (automatically installed if dependencies are installed via requirements-dev.txt):

pip install flake8 pylint

to run either one, go into to root of the project run execute analyzer, like this:

pylint src/