


High resolution foot scans for foot reconstruction tasks. We provide two datasets here:

Download instructions

To download the latest dataset, please fill in this Google form, and you will be emailed a download link. Make sure to select the correct option out of Meshes and Multiview to receive the correct link.

See meshes.md and multiview.md for details on the dataset setups, as well as how to cite the datasets if you use them in your research.


We acknowledge the collaboration and financial support of Trya Srl.

If you make use of our Foot3D dataset, please cite our work:

            title={FIND: An Unsupervised Implicit 3D Model of Articulated Human Feet},
            author={Boyne, Oliver and Charles, James and Cipolla, Roberto},
            booktitle={British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},


<sub>(c) Oliver Boyne, James Charles and Roberto Cipolla. Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge 2022</sub>

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