An extensible and speedy web framework.
Provides an event-based system to respond to events, such as HTTP requests. Built as many decoupled modules. Each module is set up to listen to and submit data to other modules via channels.
Install with luarocks: luarocks install lusty
Lusty has a depdendency on mediator_lua, also available through luarocks.
luarocks install mediator\_lua
OpenResty is nginx + lua, and is the currently supported server. Apache and IIS will be coming in later versions.
We also suggest you install lusty_admin, which will help you run a
development server and bootstrap applications. luarocks install lusty\_admin
will get you started. You can then call lusty\_admin init
and lusty\_admin server
to bootstrap and fire up OpenResty for testing. lusty\_admin bootstrap
will set you up with a very basic listy installation. Bootstrap assumes OpenResty,
lua, luarocks, mongodb, and git are installed.
Channels control everything. Data persistance, for example, is handled through a series of pub / sub calls:
-- data.persistence.user.config - set up channels to listen to
events = {
["data:request:user:get"] = "data.persistance.user#get_user",
["data:request:user:save"] = "data.persistance.user#save_user",
["data:request:user:delete"] = "data.persistance.user#delete_user"
-- data.persistence.user.lua
local get_user = function(lusty, parameters, callback)
local user = {}
-- get user from mongodb, or mysql, or redis, or wherever
-- return the user (added to results sent back) and "true", which tells lusty
-- to continue on to the next event, if it needs to
return user, true
local save_user = function(lusty, user, callback)
local user = {}
-- save user to your data store
return user, true
local delete_user = function(lusty, id, callback)
local user = {}
-- save user from your data store
return user, true
This pattern allows you to use any data store, and encourages building asynchronous applications to build super efficient applications. The same pattern is used for handling http events, logging, and anywhere else you'd use inter-module communication. You can also generate your own channels and publish / subscribe on any arbitrary channel.
Event Management
Events are namespaced. Calling "data:store:user" will call everything subscribing to "data:store:user", as well as all parent channels ("data:store" and "data").
Copyright 2013 Olivine Labs, LLC.