

Rebol-GitHub CI Gitter


GitHub APIs (GraphQL and REST) module for Rebol3 (version 3.14.1 and higher)


This module expects the github-token value to be present in the user's data. A new user and token can be set using code like:

set-user/n Test ;; Creates or loads data for the Test user (prompts for a password if needed)

if none? user's github-token [
	;; If no GitHub token is stored, add a new token:
	put system/user/data 'github-token "token 113d8...be2"
	;; Save updated data to disk:
	update system/user/data

;; Once the GitHub token is stored, one can import the module:
import 'github

GraphQL API Usage example

;; Initialize variables for the GraphQL API:
data: #[owner: "Oldes" repo: "Rebol3"]

;; Resolve the current user’s identity:
probe github-query {query {viewer {login}}} none

;; Retrieve the last 10 commits:
probe github-query 'last-10-commits :data

REST API Usage example

;; List all of supported `get` functions:
help github-get

;; List all of supported `post` functions:
help github-post

;; List all of supported `edit` functions:
help github-edit

;; Set the repository for REST API calls:
github-repo ["Oldes" "Rebol3"]

;; Retrieve all repository workflows:
probe github-get/workflows

Check the CI-test script for more examples.