


DeepMushroom is a fungal classficiation project using ResNet

Data Sources


iNaturalist.org is a citizen science website that allows people to upload images of unknown organisms for identification by other ecology enthusiasts. We collected images of identified fungi uploaded between 2017 and 2019 via the iNaturalist export tool. The images downloaded were then categorized by their species.

We use both python and golang scripts to download the images from iNaturalist.org. See here: main.go


The data distribution is heavily skewed towards the few most common species. We remove the fungal species with less than 10 images for two reasons:


Since the images from MushroomExpert were identified by mycologists, we can use their images as a reliable validator to test the performance of our model.


Since we are in the very early stage of the experiment we built the model with the fast.ai library. The model will gradually switch to our own models utilizing pytorch as we progress.


ArchitectureValidation AccuracyValidation Top-5 AccuracyTest AccurarcyTest Top-5 Accuracy
ResNet50+Focal Loss80.2492.3239.4860.45

Top 10 Most Confused Fungal Species

PredictionGround Truth
Fomitopsis mounceaeFomitopsis pinicola
Pleurotus pulmonariusPleurotus ostreatus
Dacrymyces chrysospermusTremella mesenterica
Tremella mesentericaDacrymyces chrysospermus
Laetiporus gilbertsoniiLaetiporus sulphureus
Stereum hirsutumStereum complicatum
Tremella aurantiaTremella mesenterica
Ganoderma megalomaGanoderma applanatum
Laetiporus cincinnatusLaetiporus sulphureus
Ganoderma applanatumGanoderma brownii