

<img src="https://github.com/OakNinja/MakeMeFish/raw/master/docs/logo.png" width="350" title="MakeMeFish Logo">


MakeMeFish simplifies the usage of Makefiles by providing quick navigation and searching through make targets.



Don't use fish? Get in touch if you want MakeMe support in your shell.

Install using omf

omf install makeme

Install using fisher

fisher install oakninja/MakeMeFish


fisher install oakninja/MakeMeFish@next-release

to get the latest version.

it's also possible to get the previous version by running

fisher install oakninja/MakeMeFish@previous-version

Install manually

Download and copy mm.fish to ~/.config/fish/functions

or run

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OakNinja/MakeMeFish/master/mm.fish?nocache --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/mm.fish


Basic usage: type mm, if there is a Makefile in the current working directory, all targets will be listed. Start typing to filter targets.



mm build will start MakeMeFish with an initial query which will filter for targets containing the substring build. Similarly, mm foo bar will filter on targets containing both foo and bar

mm -f MyFancyMakeFile will start MakeMeFish and parse the file MyFancyMakeFile instead of trying to find a makefile with a GNU make standard name.

mm -i will run MakeMeFish in interactive mode

All flags and parameters can be combined, and added in any order, eg.

mm foo -i -f MyFancyMakeFile is equivalent to mm -f MyFancyMakeFile foo -i