

OSSEM Data Dictionaries (OSSEM-DD)


This part of the OSSEM project contains specific information about several security event logs organized by operating system and their respective data sets. Each dictionary describes a single event log and its corresponding event field names. The difference between the ../common_information_model/ folder and the data dictionaries is that in the CIM the field definitions are more general whereas in a data dictionary, each field name definition is unique to the specific event log.

Data Sets

Data SetDescription
Amazon Web ServicesData dictionaries for AWS DataSources.
CowrieData dictionaries for Cowrie Honeypot events.
FreeBSDData dictionaries for FreeBSD based events.
LinuxData dictionaries for Linux based events.
macOSData dictionaries for macOS based events.
WindowsData dictionaries for Windows based events.
ZeekZeek provides event logs with network metadata on over 40+ different applications and protocols.

How To Contribute?

a) Level of Detail

Contributing to the Data Dictionaries piece of OSSEM implies the creation and/or modification of a file containing a description for all data fields of a specific event log or table that is generated by a tool or application in one or more operating systems.

<img src="resources/images/OSSEM-DD-Collaboration-Level.jpg" width=800>

b) Files Format

Every security event log or table will be stored in yaml format using the .yml extension.

c) Yaml File Structure

Each yaml file should contain the following components:

titleShort description of the event log or table.
descriptionDetailed description of the event log or table.
platformPlatform where the event log or table can be collected from.
log_sourceTool or application used to collect the event log or table.
event_codeCode or name that makes reference to the event log or table.
event_versionVersion of the event log or table.
event_fieldsList of all data fields provided by the log_source. For each data field, we must consider the following sub-components: name, type of data, description, and a sample value.
referencesList of references that supported the documentation of the event log or table. For each reference we must consider the following components: text and link.
tagsSpecial words that can facilitate the search and aggregation of event logs or tables.

Here is an example of the content of a Yaml file for the first event log provided by Sysmon for Windows platform systems.

title: 'Event ID 1: Process creation'
description: The process creation event provides extended information about a newly created process. The full command line provides context on the process execution. The ProcessGUID field is a unique value for this process across a domain to make event correlation easier. The hash is a full hash of the file with the algorithms in the HashType field.
platform: windows
log_source: sysmon
event_code: '1'
event_version: '4.32'
- name: ProcessId
  type: integer
  description: Process ID used by the os to identify the created process (child)
  sample_value: '4756'
- name: Image
  type: string
  description: File path of the process being spawned/created. Considered also the child or source process.
  sample_value: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe
- text: Sysmon Source
  link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon#event-id-1-process-creation
tags: []

d) A Step by Step Guide

For a step by step guide on how to contribute a Data Dictionary to OSSEM, please refer to this blogpost.