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<h2> Open-source is not a goal but a way <h2> </div>

iEDA Homepage:ieda.oscc.cc/en/

iEDA Overview

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iEDA Infrastructure and tool

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iEDA Tapeout

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🎉 News:


Papers and Presentations [See more]

iEDA User Guide

Before designing chip by iEDA,you need to obtain the execution binary of iEDA.

If you need to modify iEDA through source code construction, please read iEDA user guide.

You can also directly use the latest release docker, then you can skip "1. Source code construction of iEDA".

PS: you can refer Docker install and initilization to know how to install Docker.

1. Build iEDA from source code

We provide two methods for source code construction of iEDA as examples.

Method 1. Use the iEDA mirror (Redommended)

Download the latest “iedaopensource/base” mirror from Dockerhub, which includes the latest master branch code and dependencies (build tools and dependency libraries). You can also use the ‘-v’ command to mount your own downloaded iEDA code repository. The build will only use the compile tools and dependency libraries provided by the mirror.

The current directory after entering the container is the iEDA master branch code, refering the following commands:

# ieda opensource/base:(latest, ubuntu, debian)
docker run -it --rm iedaopensource/base:latest bash 
# enter docker and run build.sh to build
bash build.sh
# if output "Hello iEDA!", then compile successfully
./bin/iEDA -script scripts/hello.tcl

We have ubuntu(Ubuntu20.04)and debian(Debian11)mirror tag.

Method 2. Install dependencies and compile

installing command on Ubuntu 20.04:

# download iEDA repo
git clone --recursive https://gitee.com/oscc-project/iEDA.git iEDA && cd iEDA
# compile dependencies with an apt installation requires root permission
sudo bash build.sh -i apt
# comple iEDA
bash build.sh
# if output "Hello iEDA!", then compile successfully
./bin/iEDA -script scripts/hello.tcl

2. Design chip by using iEDA

Here, two iEDA operation methods are provided for reference

About how to use iEDA, please refer Tcl command manual and the tool instruction docs of readme.md in src/operation.

Method 1. Run release or demo mirror(Redommended)

If you need to use custom processes and designs, mount the associated files into the docker to run. About the structure and the corresponding config files, please refer the demo in scripts/sky130.

docker run -it -v ${file directory of pdk and design}:${file directory in docker} --rm iedaopensource/release:latest

Method 2. Compile iEDA binary and run

Refering the file directory in scripts/sky130,add the path of iEDA execution binary into the system path variable $PATH, and runing sh run_iEDA.sh,and seeing the result in result.

├── iEDA_config   # iEDA parameters configuration files
├── lef           # lef files
├── lib           # lib files
├── result        # iEDA result output files
├── script        # Tcl script files
├── sdc           # sdc files
├── run_iEDA.py   # Python3 script for running iEDA
└── run_iEDA.sh   # POSIX shell script for running iEDA
<!-- # 未来路线图 Roadmap -->

Contribution Guide

Fork this iEDA repository,after adding and commiting code, please summit Pull Request

Please note the using Coding Style of iEDA。


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In the development of iEDA, some sub-modules from the open-source community are employed. All relevant usage is listed below.

flute3FastRouteGenerate rectange steiner tree by flute3.
abseil-cppGoogle abseilUse Google's high performance C++ container and algorithm library to improve performance compared to STL.
jsonJSON for Modern C++Json C++ library, used to parse the program Json configuration file.
magic_enumStatic reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration)Supports the conversion of enum values and character strings.
libfortSeleznev Anton libfortThe C/C++ library produces formatted ASCII tables.
pegtlPEGTL(Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library)Use PEGTL to parse SPEF files easily.
pybind11pybind 11Easy for python to call C++.
VCDParserben-marshall verilog-vcd-parserParse power VCD waveform file.
def lefdef lef parserParse physical layout and design DEF/LEF files.
ThreadPoolJakob Progsch, Václav Zeman threadpoolC++11 template library implementation of multithreaded pool.
fftfftFast Fourier transform library.
hMETIShMETISEfficient graph partitioning algorithm.
lemonlemonEfficient modeling and optimization in graphs and networks.
SALTSALTGenerating VLSI routing topology, It trades off between path length (shallowness) and wirelength (lightness).
scipoptsuiteSCIPIt is used to quickly solve mixed integer programming (MIP) and mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP).
mt-kahyparmt-kahyparMulti-Threaded Karlsruhe Hypergraph Partitioner .

We are grateful for the support of the open-source community and encourage other open-source projects to reuse our code within the scope of the MulanPSL-2.0.

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