

Robust Mixture-of-Expert Training for Convolutional Neural Networks (ICCV2023)

Official repository for MoE-CNN robust training in our ICCV'23 paper.

What is in this repository?

This repository supports the robust training of different CNN models using MoE. All the available model architectures are listed in the models folder.

Getting started

Let's start by installing all the dependencies.

pip3 install -r requirement.txt


We use train_moe.py and train_ori.py to adversarially train a original dense model or an MoE model. Argument used in the experiments are stored in args.py. The key arguments and their usage are listed below.

Evaluate with AutoAttack

Please use the file auto_attack_eval.py to evaluate the model using AutoAttack. Please use --source-net to identify the path to the checkpoint.


To train a ResNet-18 MoE model with the expert number of 2 and the ratio of 0.5 on CIFAR-10:

python3 train_moe.py --n-expert 2 --arch resnet18_cifar_moe --ratio 0.5 --exp-identifier some_identifier

To train a WideResNet-28-10 model with a ratio of 0.5 on CIFAR-100:

python3 train_ori.py --dataset CIFAR100 --arch resnet18_cifar_ori --ratio 0.5 --exp-identifier some_identifier

To evaluate a VGG-16 MoE model with a ratio of 0.5 on TinyImageNet:

python3 train_moe.py --dataset TinyImageNet --evaluate --arch vgg16_bn_moe --ratio 0.5 --n-expert 2 --resume SOME_PATH

To evaluate a VGG-16 model with a ratio of 0.5 using AutoAttack on CIFAR-10.

python3 auto_attack_eval.py --arch vgg16_bn_ori --ratio 0.5 --source-net SOME_PATH

Dataset Preparation


The official kaggle website for ImageNet dataset is here.

  1. Run pip3 install kaggle
  2. Register an account at kaggle.
  3. Agree the terms and conditions on the dataset page.
  4. Go to your account page (https://www.kaggle.com//account). Select 'Create API Token' and this will trigger the download of kaggle.json, a file containing your API credentials.
  5. Copy this file into your server at ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json.
  6. Run command chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json and make it visible only to yourself.
  7. Run command
kaggle competitions download -c imagenet-object-localization-challenge
  1. Unzip the file
unzip -q imagenet-object-localization-challenge.zip 
tar -xvf imagenet_object_localization_patched2019.tar.gz
  1. Enter the validation set folder cd ILSVRC/Data/CLS-LOC/val
  2. Run script sh/prepare_imagenet.sh provided by the PyTorch repository, to move the validation subset to the labeled subfolders.


To obtain the original TinyImageNet dataset, please run the following scripts:

wget http://cs231n.stanford.edu/tiny-imagenet-200.zip
unzip -qq 'tiny-imagenet-200.zip'
rm tiny-imagenet-200.zip

Special Credits

Some of the code in this repository is based on the following amazing works.