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Electronic Data Interchange modules

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Available addons

account_einvoice_generate14. module to generate PDF invoices with embedded XML file
account_invoice_download14. supplier invoices and import them
account_invoice_download_ovh14. OVH Invoice via the API
account_invoice_download_scaleway14. Scaleway Invoices via the API
account_invoice_export14. Invoice Export
account_invoice_export_server_env14. environment for Account Invoice Export
account_invoice_facturx14. Factur-X/ZUGFeRD customer invoices
account_invoice_facturx_py3o14. Factur-X invoices with Py3o reporting engine
account_invoice_import14. supplier invoices/refunds as PDF or XML files
account_invoice_import_facturx14. Factur-X/ZUGFeRD supplier invoices/refunds
account_invoice_import_invoice2data14. bosdImport supplier invoices using the invoice2data lib
account_invoice_import_simple_pdf14. simple PDF vendor bills
account_invoice_import_ubl14. UBL XML supplier invoices/refunds
account_invoice_ubl14. UBL XML file for customer invoices/refunds
account_invoice_ubl_email_attachment14. adds the UBL file to the email.
account_invoice_ubl_peppol14. invoices in PEPPOL 3.0 BIS dialect
base_business_document_import14. technical tools to import sale orders or supplier invoices
base_business_document_import_phone14. phone numbers to match partners upon import of business documents
base_ebill_payment_contract14. for managing e-billing contracts
base_edi14. module to aggregate EDI features.
base_facturx14. module for Factur-X/ZUGFeRD
base_ubl14. module for Universal Business Language (UBL)
base_ubl_payment14. code for Universal Business Language (UBL)
edi_account_invoice_import14. account_invoice_import into EDI machinery.
edi_account_oca14. EDI Configuration for Account Moves
edi_backend_partner_oca14. the a partner field in EDI backend
edi_endpoint_oca14. module allowing configuration of custom endpoints for EDI framework.
edi_exchange_template_oca14. definition of exchanges via templates.
edi_exchange_template_party_data14. module betweeb edi_exchange_template and edi_party_data
edi_oca14. etobellaDefine backends, exchange types, exchange records, basic automation and views for handling EDI exchanges.
edi_party_data_oca14. to configure and retrieve party information for EDI exchanges.
edi_pdf2data_oca14. that allows to import data from a pdf
edi_purchase_oca14. EDI Configuration for Purchase Orders
edi_sale_order_import14. sale_order_import into EDI machinery.
edi_sale_order_import_ubl14. sale_order_import_ubl into EDI machinery.
edi_sale_order_import_ubl_endpoint14. a default endpoint to import SO in UBL format.
edi_stock_oca14. EDI Configuration for Stock
edi_storage_oca14. module to allow exchanging files via storage backend (eg: SFTP).
edi_ubl_oca14. EDI backend type for UBL.
edi_voxel_oca14. module for connecting with Voxel
edi_webservice_oca14. simahawkDefines webservice integration from EDI Exchange records
edi_xml_oca14. module for EDI exchange using XML files.
partner_identification_import14. partner matching on extra ID
pdf_helper14. alexis-viaProvides helpers to work w/ PDFs
product_import14. product catalogues
product_import_ubl14. UBL XML catalogue files
purchase_order_ubl14. UBL XML file inside the PDF purchase order
purchase_order_ubl_py3o14. UBL purchase orders with Py3o reporting engine
purchase_stock_ubl14. module for Purchase Order UBL and Stock/Inventory
sale_order_customer_free_ref14. the Customer Reference on sale orders into two fields. An Id and a Free reference. The existing field is transformed into a computed one.
sale_order_import14. RFQ or sale orders from files
sale_order_import_ubl14. UBL XML sale order files
sale_order_import_ubl_customer_free_ref14. CustomerReference from sale UBL
sale_order_import_ubl_line_customer_ref14. specific customer reference for each order line
sale_order_packaging_import14. the packaging on the sale order line
sale_order_ubl14. UBL XML file inside the PDF quotation
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This repository is licensed under AGPL-3.0.

However, each module can have a totally different license, as long as they adhere to Odoo Community Association (OCA) policy. Consult each module's __manifest__.py file, which contains a license key that explains its license.

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.