


GameMaker Studio 2 Pure GML External Audio

This is a pure GML extension that enables loading external audio during runtime.

Super Simple API

Check out the internal scripts if you want to see how everything else is done in more depth.

Only Supports WAV


//First you need to load your external audio file
//This is limited to GameMaker sandbox limitations 
externalAudio = ext_audio_load("path/to/file.wav");

//Then you get the sound id to be used with audio_* functions
externalSoundID = ext_audio_get_id(externalAudio);

//Use GameMaker audio_* functions like you normally would
audio_play_sound(externalSoundID, 10, false);

//This is also perfectly valid
//audio_play_sound(ext_audio_get_id(externalAudio), 10, false);