

<h2>Noze.io <img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/725354235056017409/poiNAOlB_400x400.jpg" align="right" /> </h2>

Swift3 Swift4 Swift5 macOS iOS Linux Travis

"Das Haus das Verrรผckte macht."

Note (2021-11-09): It is not recommended to use this for production, though it still makes a nice demo. The more modern, and quite recommendable, version of this is Macro.swift, which is based on SwiftNIO (instead of GCD like Noze.io).

Noze.io was an attempt to carry over the Node.js ideas into pure Swift. It uses libdispatch for event-driven, non-blocking I/O. Noze.io is built around type-safe back-pressure aware pull-streams (using Swift generics) operating on batches of items. Instead of just operating on bytes, operate on batches of Unicode lines or database records or HTML responses or - you get the idea. Be efficient: Stream everything and รŸatch.

A focus is to keep the API similar to Node. Not always possible - Swift is not JavaScript - but pretty close. It comes with rechargeables included, Noze.io is self-contained and doesn't require any extra dependencies. It includes modules such as cows, leftpad, express or redis.

Noze.io works in Cocoa environments as well as on Linux. Head over to our Start page for install instructions.

Is it a good idea? You tell us. Not sure, but we think it might be, because: a) While Swift looks very much like JavaScript, it is actually a very high performance statically typed and AOT-compiled language, b) Code often looks better in Swift, mostly due to trailing-closure syntax, c) No monkey patching while still providing extensions. There are cons too.

Shows us some code!

There is a reasonably large collection of simple, focused: Noze.io examples But here you go, the "standard" Node example, a HelloWorld httpd:

import http

http.createServer { req, res in 
  res.writeHead(200, [ "Content-Type": "text/html" ])
  res.end("<h1>Hello World</h1>")

An echo daemon, just piping the in-end of a socket into its own-out end:

import net

net.createServer { sock in
  sock.write("Welcome to Noze.io!\r\n")
  sock | sock

More complex stuff including a Todo-MVC backend can be found in the Noze.io examples. Like what you see? Head over to our Start page to get started.


Hey, we love feedback. Join the mailing list, Slack channel or just drop us an email to tell us why this is crap (or not?).

Supported Swift Versions

macOS3.0Xcode 8๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘
macOS3.1Xcode 8.3๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘

With the release of Swift 3 Noze.io drops support for Swift 2.x. If you are still interested in using it with 2.x, the last release is still available in the legacy/swift23 branch on GitHub.



Noze.io is brought to you by The Always Right Institute and ZeeZide. We wouldn't be sad if more people would like to join the effort :-)