

Measuring Inductive Biases of In-Context Learning with Underspecified Demonstrations (ACL 2023)

This repository contains our code for running the experiments in our paper. It includes all the processed datasets as well as the script for running experiments with the OpenAI API. Please see below for more detailed instructions for running the code.

<p align="center"> <img src="TeaserFigure.png" width="50%" height="auto"/> </p>



pip install openai transformers

Note that you do need an OpenAI API key.


We already included all the processed datasets in the testsets_ambiguous/directory. In each json file, there are two lists containing the demo examples (demos_1_1 and demos_0_0), followed by four lists containing the test examples (testset_1_1, testset_0_0, testset_1_0, and testset_0_1).

The two numbers indicate whether h1 and h2 features are true or false. For instance, for the file testsets_ambiguous/nli_entailment_overlap.json, testset_1_0 would correspond to test examples where the h1 feature is true (i.e., entailment), but the h2 feature is false (i.e., not all tokens in the hypothesis overlap with the premise).

Running Experiments

A sample script is provided in run.sh:

for dataset in nli_entailment_genre_gov_fic
    for model in text-davinci-002 davinci
        for test_split in testset_1_1 testset_0_0 testset_1_0 testset_0_1
            for seed in 0 10
                python -u run.py \
                --apikey $YOURKEY \
                --engine ${model} \
                --task ${dataset} \
                --prompt_source ${dataset} \
                --prompt_method fewshot \
                --print \
                --maxlen 1 \
                --save_prob \
                --demo_index ${seed} \
                --test_split ${test_split} \
                --shots 16 > logs_ambiguous/${dataset}_${test_split}_${model}_seed${seed}.log

Evaluation Metrics

The raw metrics produced by run.py measure the frequency that model predicts 1 (the true class) as the label.

We provide an additional script collect_results.py that computes the h_1 accuracy and h_2 accuracy based on these raw results. They are referred to as h1_ambig_acc and h2_ambig_acc in the script. The script should automatically gather all results in logs_ambiguous and print out the h1 accuracy and h2 accuracy results.


   title={Measuring Inductive Biases of In-Context Learning with Underspecified Demonstrations},
   author={Si, Chenglei and Friedman, Dan and Joshi, Nitish and Feng, Shi and Chen, Danqi and He, He},
   booktitle={Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},

If you have any questions about the code or paper, feel free to email Chenglei (sichenglei1125@gmail.com) or Dan (dfriedman@cs.princeton.edu). You can also open an issue here.