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High-performance WebTorrent tracker.

WebTorrent tracker is a required component of WebTorrent and P2P Media Loader (peer-to-peer networks for web browsers) to do WebRTC signaling - exchanging connection data (i.e. SDP) between peers - joining them into swarms.


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Build instructions

Node.js 16+ is required.

npm install
npm run build

Run instructions

./bin/wt-tracker [config.json]


node lib/run-uws-tracker.js [config.json]


npm start [config.json]


See config.json

servers.websockets.pathstringURL pattern for the WebSockets endpoint
servers.websockets.maxPayloadLengthnumberThe maximum length of received message
servers.websockets.midleTimeoutnumberThe maximum amount of seconds that may pass without sending or getting a message. Being idle for more than this, and the connection is severed.
servers.websockets.compression0,1,20 = no compression, 1 = shared compressor, 2 = dedicated compressor (see details)
servers.websockets.maxConnectionsnumberThe maximum number of WebSocket connections. 0 = no limit.
tracker.maxOffersnumberThe maximum number of client's WebRTC SDP offers that are processed
tracker.announceIntervalnumberDesired announce interval in seconds required from the clients

Index HTML page

You can specify a content of the index page by creating index.html file in the working directory.