Toy Vibration to Music
This is a tool that sets the vibration via Intiface from audio input. Currently the device has to have two motors and the host has to provide a Jack interface (e.g. via Jack directly or the interface of Pipewire).
The first motor is following the output of a low pass filter, the second on a high pass one.
Usage: musicboom [OPTIONS] [FILTER]
[FILTER] connect to all Jack ports with this in their name [default: output]
-d, --debug show debug output
-l, --low <LOW> frequency in Hz for low pass [default: 200.0]
-f, --high <HIGH> frequency in Hz for high pass [default: 1000.0]
-a, --amp <AMP> linear amplification for vibration [default: 1.1]
-u, --uri <URI> URI to Intiface [default: ws://localhost:12345/ws]
-h, --help Print help