

Alt text


NostrDice is a provably fair betting game combining the power of Lightning and Nostr.

All you have to do is zapping a note from @NostrDice Game. Your winnings will automatically be sent back to the lightning address set in your profile.

Note: ensure you have a valid Lightning Address in your profile, otherwise we can't zap you back.

Follow for social updates: @NostrDice Nonces: @NostrDice Nonces

Game description can be found here

Test setup


just all

If you run into the error server is still in the process of starting, try again:

just all


To test new changes to nostrdice

Build the crate and the docker image:

docker-compose --build up -d

To test the flow

You will need a nostr client e.g. [algia]. To install our slightly modified version of algia you can use if you have go in your path:

go install github.com/holzeis/algia@fb12226618fdb2de03084c4eb7fa7f8ed887e0fc

From this point onwards we assume that you use algia, but other clients should work as long as you can configure the relay, nsec and NWC settings.

You will need to configure your client to use the expected relay, nsec and NWC settings. To do so, copy this configuration file to ~/.config/algia/config-alice.json.

Find your multiplier:

~ algia -a alice search
npub130nwn4t5x8h0h6d983lfs2x44znvqezucklurjzwtn7cv0c73cxsjemx32: note1gsc66mle93sqfj8k96qj63pkma7ume6vruywkk84jee6hwkualzsynp02d
Win 1.05x the amount you zapped if the rolled number is lower than 60541! nostr:note17fh4dpcf4n5624hynj6nge7ehmawe24djqrr00ks8z9x3w8tm6nqezwcga

Zap one of the latest notes:

algia -a alice zap --amount 50000 note1gsc66mle93sqfj8k96qj63pkma7ume6vruywkk84jee6hwkualzsynp02d

Wait about a minute and check if the roller's LND got paid. One way to check is to look for outgoing payments on nostrdice's LND:

docker exec -it bob lncli --macaroonpath=/home/lnd/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/lnd/.lnd/tls.cert listpayments

Other useful commands

Get blockchain info

docker exec -it polar-n1-backend1 bitcoin-cli -rpccookiefile=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/regtest/.cookie -rpcport=18443 getblockchaininfo

Send to address

Replace <address> with your address

docker exec -it polar-n1-backend1 bitcoin-cli -rpccookiefile=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/regtest/.cookie -rpcport=18443 sendtoaddress <address> 10

Get new address

docker exec -it alice lncli --macaroonpath=/home/lnd/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/lnd/.lnd/tls.cert newaddress p2wkh

Open channel


docker exec -it alice lncli --macaroonpath=/home/lnd/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/lnd/.lnd/tls.cert openchannel --node_key <pubkey> --connect <counterparty> --local_amt 10000000 --push_amt 500000

Generate self-signed certificate for roller-lnurl-server-proxy

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj "/CN=localhost" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:localhost,DNS:roller-lnurl-server-proxy" -addext 'basicConstraints=critical,CA:FALSE' -addext 'extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth'