

Developer documentation for nRF Connect for Desktop

This repository documents how to develop nRF Connect for Desktop: If you want to create a new app for it, modify an existing app or modify the core of nRF Connect for Desktop itself.

This documentation can be read online at https://NordicSemiconductor.github.io/pc-nrfconnect-docs/.

Modifying the documentation

If you want to preview any changes locally before submitting them to the repo you should set up Jekyll locally. You can read and follow the instructions on how to set up GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll but they mainly boil down to these steps:

  1. Make sure you have a recent ruby.
  2. If you have not already bundler installed, run gem install bundler.
  3. Run bundle install once inside this repo folder.
  4. Each time you want to view your local files run bundle exec jekyll serve and go to http://localhost:4000.


When creating a new markdown page, you should include the Jekyll’s “Front matter”: Two lines with three dashes like this at the beginning:


Sometimes Jekyll does not process the markdown files correctly without that and the GitHub Pages documentation also says they are required, so just include them, like in any other documentation file in this project.


See the infos on contributing for details.