

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/Noovolari/leapp/blob/master/.github/images/README-1.png#gh-dark-mode-only" alt="Leapp" height="150" /> <img src="https://github.com/Noovolari/leapp/blob/master/.github/images/README-1-dark.png#gh-light-mode-only" alt="Leapp" height="150" /> </p> <h1 align="center">Leapp</h1> <h4 align="center"> <a href="https://www.leapp.cloud">Website</a> | <a href="https://roadmap.leapp.cloud/tabs/4-in-progress">Roadmap</a> | <a href="https://medium.com/leapp-cloud">Blog</a> | <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/noovolari/shared_invite/zt-opn8q98k-HDZfpJ2_2U3RdTnN~u_B~Q">Slack</a> | <a href="https://docs.leapp.cloud">Documentation</a> | <a href="https://docs.leapp.cloud/latest/troubleshooting/app-data/">Troubleshooting</a> </h4> <p align="center"> <a href="https://lgtm.com/projects/g/Noovolari/leapp/context:javascript"><img src="https://img.shields.io/lgtm/grade/javascript/g/Noovolari/leapp.svg?logo=lgtm&logoWidth=18" alt="Javascript"></a> <a href="https://github.com/Noovolari/leapp/blob/master/LICENSE"><img alt="License" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/noovolari/leapp"></a> <a href="https://join.slack.com/t/noovolari/shared_invite/zt-opn8q98k-HDZfpJ2_2U3RdTnN~u_B~Q"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-online-green" alt="Slack"></a> </p> <p align="center">⚡ Lightning Fast, Safe, Desktop App for Cloud credentials managing and generation</p>

Leapp is a Cross-Platform Cloud access App, built on top of Electron.

The App is designed to manage and secure Cloud Access in multi-account environments, and it is available for MacOS, Windows, and Linux.

How to build a plugin For Leapp

This README covers all the steps required to build a simple plugin for Leapp. If you are in a rush, you can jump directly to the build section!

1. Copy the template

Just click the green button above ⬆️ or use this quicklink. This action will fork the repository and gives you a ready-to-use template project for creating a new plugin.

2. Install the project locally

Just clone the forked repository and use

npm install

You are ready to go.

3. Configuring your new Plugin

Inside the project folder you will find 3 configuration file but you need to edit ony package.json:

PACKAGE.JSON overview of metadata:

  "name": "<YOUR-PLUGIN-NAME-IN-SNAKE-CASE>", // Must be unique on npm and can contain your organization name as well
  "author": "<YOU-OR-YOUR-ORGANIZATION>", // The author of this plugin
  "version": "1.0.0", // Any Semver Value is ok, be sure to always use a value > of the one on your npm repository
  "description": "<YOUR-AWESOME-PLUGIN-DESCRIPTION>", // Describe your plugin
  "keywords": [
    "leapp-plugin", // THIS IS MANDATORY!!!!
    "AWS" // Any other meaningful tag
  "leappPlugin": {
    "supportedOS": [
      "mac", "win", "linux" // You can insert one, two or all the values, you can also leave this tag blank to include all OSs
    "supportedSessions": [
      "awsIamRoleFederated", // Possible values are: any, aws, azure, awsIamRoleFederated, awsIamRoleChained, awsSsoRole, awsIamUser

Remember: "keywords": [ "leapp-plugin" ] is Mandatory to allow Leapp to recognize the plugin!

4. Create your first plugin!

The base objects needed to create your plugin are implemented in the here, in the Leapp repository.


plugin-index.ts is the entry point for your plugin! Open plugin-index.ts and export a class for your plugin. The exported class is implemented in a different file. You can see a real example below.

E.g. export { WebConsolePlugin } from "./web-console-plugin";. We are declaring WebConsolePlugin as our plugin class.

You are done with plugin-index.ts.

plugin-class.ts (web-console-plugin.ts in our example)

Create a new TypeScript class and extend AwsCredentialsPlugin.

There will be different kinds of plugins. AwsCredentialsPlugin is the first plugin available, so we're going to focus on that. The AwsCredentialsPlugin abstract class is defined in the plugin-sdk folder of the Leapp Core. You don't have to re-implement it from scratch, as the leapp-core npm package is a dependency of the provided plugin template.

export class WebConsolePlugin extends AwsCredentialsPlugin { ... }

Note: AwsCredentialsPlugin is a class from Leapp that gives you access to temporary credentials for a given session.

Add the following 3 imports (usually the editor will do this step for you):

import { Session } from "@noovolari/leapp-core/models/session";
import { AwsCredentialsPlugin } from "@noovolari/leapp-core/plugin-sdk/aws-credentials-plugin";
import { PluginLogLevel } from "@noovolari/leapp-core/plugin-sdk/plugin-log-level";

Inside the class you define 2 properties (actionName, actionIcon) and 1 method (applySessionAction); it's as simple as that! Let's see:

get actionName(): string {
  return "Open web console"; // Friendly Name of your plugin: will be used to show the action in the Leapp Menu and Leapp plugin List

get actionIcon(): string {
  return "fa fa-globe"; // An icon for your plugin! Currently compatible with Font-Awesome 5+ icon tags.

Here you can find a list of compatible icons!

Now the main dish: the action method! Leapp will use this method to execute an action based on a session's temporary credentials set, in this case will use them to generate a link shortcut to open AWS web console for that specific session's role.

async applySessionAction(session: Session, credentials: any): Promise<void> { ... }

As you can see, the applySessionAction method signature contains both a session and a credentials parameters. The credentials parameter is specific to the AwsCredentialsPlugin type; other plugin types could expect other parameters in addition to the session one, which contains Leapp Session metadata.

In the applySessionAction method you have access to 3 important variables:

Finally you can find the complete code reference for our example plugin here.

Build and publish!

Build plugin.js

Use npm run build. A complete project will be created inside the root folder.

Note: you can test your plugin before submission, by copying the output folder of npm run build inside ~/.Leapp/plugins/.

Publish your plugin


You can find examples of plugins for Leapp in the dedicated section of our documentation.

Final notes

If you want a more detailed explanation of the plugin system please go to the dedicated section in our documentation.