


Tooling for Elm ops


Automate upgrading to 0.17! Automate your elm-package and your file upgrades.

It will:


Automate upgrading to 0.18! Automate your elm-package and your file upgrades.

It will:

python update_018_elm_package.py ../upgrades/elm-lazy-list

will upgrade the package in that directory.


Sometimes we need to make sure that two different exact-dependencies are the same. This is the case when you have a parent project, and a test project where the parent project dependencies are a sub list of test project.


python elm_deps_check.py elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json tests/elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json --exact

will output

BUILD FAILED due to elm-deps mismatch, errors:
Package version mismatch for circuithub/elm-list-extra!

../NoRedInk/elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json had 3.10.0
../NoRedInk/spec/elm/elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json had 3.7.1


python elm_deps_check.py ../NoRedInk/elm-package.json ../NoRedInk/spec/elm/elm-package.json --quiet


Sometimes we want to figure out if our elm-package.json contains old deps.


python elm_deps_upgrade.py elm-package.json

will print

Minors available for elm-lang/core: [2.1.0]
Majors available for elm-lang/core: [3.0.0]
Majors available for evancz/elm-html: [4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0.0]


Sometimes we want to sync the deps between two files, such that all the deps in one file are matched in another file. The deps in the first file will be added to the deps in the second file. Note that this is additive.


python elm_deps_sync.py elm-package.json spec/elm/elm-package.json

will print

1 packages changed.
Package mgold/elm-date-format inserted to spec/elm/elm-package.json for the first time at version "1.1.2 <= v < 2.0.0"


Sometimes, elm-package flakes out due to connection issues. The simplest solution to this is to wrap the elm-package install step with our with_retry script, which will rerun 10 times until it succeeds, otherwise fail the build

with_retry.rb elm-package install


Sometimes, we want to "install" our packages locally to test them before publishing them remotely. This is designed only with the use case of testing packaged, not using them in production. It doesn't provide any of the guarantees nor support that elm-package does. If you're doing production stuff, elm-package is what you want.

python elm_self_publish.py ../elm-css ../json-to-elm/

will publish elm-css into json-to-elm

Upgrading a Python dependency

If you have Nix, you can load a shell with the necessary dependencies like this:

nix-shell -p python37Packages.pip-tools

Once in the shell, run:

pip-compile --upgrade-package my-package