

Advent of code 2023

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Here you can find my golang solutions for Advent Of Code 2023.

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2023 Results

DayPart 1Part 2
Day 1🌟🌟
Day 2🌟🌟
Day 3🌟🌟
Day 4🌟🌟
Day 5🌟🌟
Day 6🌟🌟
Day 7🌟🌟
Day 8🌟🌟
Day 9🌟🌟
Day 10🌟🌟
Day 11🌟🌟
Day 12🌟🌟
Day 13🌟🌟
Day 14🌟🌟
Day 15🌟🌟
Day 16🌟🌟
Day 17🌟🌟
Day 18🌟🌟
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days/day* codegen is a slightly changed version of alexchao26 aoc repo.


To generate skeleton for another day run:

$ make gen DAY=3

Then manually:

  1. Fill tests with example input and want values
  2. Fill input.txt with real data
  3. Code problem solution

Another commands:

$ make run DAY=03 PART=2
$ make test DAY=03