

Personal Hackintosh Guide/Instructions for Dell 7567


This repo is archived as of Dec 11 (macOS version 10.14.2). The files here can still be used for future releases of macOS with just little tweaking and common sense. Be happy to fork it and develop, or I may unarchive it sometime in the future if I used macOS on this laptop again.


macOS Mojave - 10.14.1

Download Required Files

Check releases

Clover USB Files:
 - drivers64UEFI: HFSPlus.efi (for HFS+ fs), apfs.efi (for apfs fs)

 - kexts/Other: 
   - ApplePS2SmartTouchpad: For initial trackpad & keyboard support
   - FakeSMC: SMC emulator
   - RealtekRT8111: Kext for ethernet support
   - SATA-100-series-unsupported: 
   - USBInjectAll: Injecting USB ports (even for recognizing the bootable USB)

 - config.plist: Initial SMBIOS, USBInjectAll dsdt patches, port limit patches (for usb 3.0)


Clover Post-Install Files:
 - drivers64UEFI: HFSPlus.efi (for HFS+ fs), apfs.efi (for apfs fs)

 - /L/E Kexts:
   - ACPIBatteryManager: Kext for battery status
   - AppleBacklightFixup: Kext for backlight control
   - CodecCommander: Kext for solving 'no audio' after sleep
   - VoodooPS2Controller: Kext for keyboard

 - kexts/Other:
   - AppleALC: Kext for audio
   - AppleBacklightFixup: Kext for backlight control even in recovery 
   - FakeSMC: SMC emulator
   - Lilu: Generic kext patches
   - RealtekRT8111: Kext for ethernet support
   - SATA-100-series-unsupported: 
   - USBInjectAll: Injecting USB ports
   - VoodooI2C*: Kext for precision trackpad
   - VoodooPS2Controller: Kext for keyboard
   - WhateverGreen: Lilu plugin for various iGPU patches

 - config.plist:
   - DSDT Fixes: FixHPET, FixHeaders, FixIPIC, FixRTC, FixTMR
   - DSDT Patches: IGPU, IMEI, HDEF, OSI, PRW, VoodooI2C, brightness control patches
   - WhateverGreen properties: Disable unused ports, increase VRAM from 1536->2048 MB
   - Kernel and Kext Patches: DellSMBIOS, AppleRTC, KernelLapic, KernelPm
   - Kernel To Patch: MSR 0xE2, Panic kext logging
   - Kexts to Patch: I2C, SSD Trim, AppleALC patches

 - patched:
   - SSDT-ALS0: Fake ambient light sensor
   - SSDT-BRT6: Brightness control via keyboard
   - SSDT-Disable_DGPU: Disable discrete GPU (Nvidia)
   - SSDT-I2C: VoodooI2C GPIO pinning & disabling VoodooPS2 kext for trackpads and mouses
   - SSDT-PNLF: Backlight ssdt
   - SSDT-PRW: SSDT for usb instant wake
   - SSDT-UIAC: Injecting right usb ports (coniguration for usbinjectall kext)
   - SSDT-XCPM: Injecting plugin-type for power management
   - SSDT-XOSI: Faking OS for the ACPI
   - SSDT_ALC256: CodecCommander config for ALC256 (removes headphone noise)


Known Bugs



Creating macOS USB

# Figure out identifier for of your usb (/dev/diskX, for example)
diskutil list

# Partition your usb in GPT
diskutil partitionDisk /dev/diskX 1 GPT HFS+J "install_osx" R

# Copy installer image (for highsierra)
sudo "/Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia" --volume /Volumes/install_osx --nointeraction

# Copy installer imge (for mojave)
sudo "/Applications/Install macOS Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia" --volume /Volumes/install_osx --applicationpath "/Applications/Install macOS Mojave.app" --nointeraction

# Rename (for highsierra)
sudo diskutil rename "Install macOS High Sierra" install_osx

# Rename (for mojave)
sudo diskutil rename "Install macOS Mojave" install_osx

Download and install clover on usb

Booting USB and Installing macOS

Post Installation

Download and Install clover bootloader

Configure Clover and your System

Disable Hibernation

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
sudo mkdir /var/vm/sleepimage
sudo pmset -a standby 0
sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0
sudo pmset -a powernap 0


1) Backlight level is not persisting across reboot

2) Sound is not working

3) Fonts look blurry in mojave

# Type these commands in terminal and re-login to see the changes

defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool NO
defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2
# Type these commands in terminal and re-login to see the changes

defaults -currentHost delete -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing
defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool YES

4) Scrolling is choppy with third party mice

5) Clover USB is not booting

