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A Wagtail EditorJS widget with page/image chooser support, document support and more!
Add features:
- Add an EditorJS feature
- Add an EditorJS tune (Already exists in
, just an example.)
Quick start
Add 'wagtail_editorjs' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ..., 'wagtail_editorjs', ]
Add the HTML to your template:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'wagtail_editorjs/css/frontend.css' %}"> {% load editorjs %} {# CSS files for features #} {% editorjs_static "css" %} {% editorjs self.editor_field %} {# JS files for features #} {% editorjs_static "js" %}
Add the field to your model:
... from wagtail_editorjs.fields import EditorJSField from wagtail_editorjs.blocks import EditorJSBlock class HomePage(Page): content_panels = [ FieldPanel("editor_field"), FieldPanel("content"), ] editor_field = EditorJSField( # All supported features features=[ 'attaches', 'background-color-tune', 'button', 'checklist', 'code', 'delimiter', 'document', 'drag-drop', 'header', 'image', 'images', 'inline-code', 'link', 'link-autocomplete', 'marker', 'nested-list', 'paragraph', 'quote', 'raw', 'table', 'text-alignment-tune', 'text-color-tune', 'text-variant-tune', 'tooltip', 'underline', 'undo-redo', 'warning' ], blank=True, null=True, ) # Or as a block content = fields.StreamField([ ('editorjs', EditorJSBlock(features=[ # ... same as before ])), ], blank=True, use_json_field=True)
List features
This readme might not fully reflect which features are available.
To find this out - you can:
start the python shell
py ./ shell
Print all the available features:
from wagtail_editorjs.registry import EDITOR_JS_FEATURES print(EDITOR_JS_FEATURES.keys()) dict_keys([... all registered features ...])
Register a Wagtail block as a feature
It is also possible to register a Wagtail block as a feature.
It is important to note that the block must be a StructBlock
or a subclass of StructBlock
It is not allowed to be or include:
- A
(mainly due to styling issues) - A
(mainly due to styling issues) - A
(cannot initialize)
Help with these issues is highly appreciated!
from wagtail import hooks
from wagtail_editorjs.features import (
from wagtail_editorjs.registry import (
from wagtail_editorjs.hooks import REGISTER_HOOK_NAME
from wagtail import blocks
class HeadingBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
title = blocks.CharBlock()
subtitle = blocks.CharBlock()
class TextBlock(EditorJSFeatureStructBlock):
heading = HeadingBlock()
body = blocks.TextBlock()
class Meta:
template = "myapp/text_block.html"
allowed_tags = ["h1", "h2", "p"]
# Html looks like:
# <h1>{{ self.heading.title }}</h1>
# <h2>{{ self.heading.subtitle }}</h2>
# <p>{{ self.body }}</p>
def register_editor_js_features(registry: EditorJSFeatures):
The block will then be rendered as any structblock, but it will be wrapped in a div with the class wagtail-text-block
(the feature name).
<div class="wagtail-text-block">
<h1>My title</h1>
<h2>My subtitle</h2>
<p>My body</p>
Default: True
Clean the HTML output on rendering.
This happens every time the field is rendered.
It might be smart to set up some sort of caching mechanism.
Optionally; cleaning can be FORCED by passing clean=True
or False
to the render_editorjs_html
Default: true
Add a block ID to each editorJS block when rendering.
This is useful for targeting the block with JavaScript,
or possibly creating some link from frontend to admin area.
Default: data-editorjs-block-id
The attribute name to use for the block ID.
This is only used if ADD_BLOCK_ID
is True.
Default: False
Use full urls if the request is available in the EditorJS rendering context.