

⚠ Fork Abandoned! This forked repositry is no longer maintained. Project contenues as a standalone repository at https://github.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english/

Decided because the fork was unable to keep it's status as a fork, and there is no point of maintaing a fork if I can't open up a mergable pull request.


The Translated-to-English Version of Yu FranzKafka's x-ui, forked from vaxilu's awesome repo which is a Multi-protocol Multi-user Xray Panel



Single Command Install & upgrade

bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english.old/master/install.sh)

Manual install & upgrade

  1. First update your system
  2. Then download the latest compressed package from https://github.com/NidukaAkalanka/x-ui-english/releases/latest, generally choose amd64 architecture
  3. Upload the compressed package to the /root/ directory of the server, and use the root user to log in to the server and run following commands

If your server cpu architecture is not amd64, replace amd64 in the command with another architecture

rm x-ui/ /usr/local/x-ui/ /usr/bin/x-ui -rf
tar zxvf x-ui-linux-amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x x-ui/x-ui x-ui/bin/xray-linux-* x-ui/x-ui.sh
cp x-ui/x-ui.sh /usr/bin/x-ui
cp -f x-ui/x-ui.service /etc/systemd/system/
mv x-ui/ /usr/local/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable x-ui
systemctl restart x-ui

Install using docker

This docker tutorial and docker image are provided by Chasing66

  1. Install docker
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh
  1. Install x-ui
mkdir x-ui && cd x-ui
docker run -itd --network=host \
    -v $PWD/db/:/etc/x-ui/ \
    -v $PWD/cert/:/root/cert/ \
    --name x-ui --restart=unless-stopped \

Build your own image

docker build -t x-ui .

SSL certificate application

This function and tutorial are provided by FranzKafkaYu

The script has 2 built-in SSL certificate application functions.

To use this method to apply for a certificate, your server's IP address being correctly pointed to a domain or subdomain that you own is the only requirement.

This is not beginner frienly as much as the first one. To use this method, all of the follwoing prerequisites should be met:

How to get the Cloudflare Global API Key:

  1. Visit the link https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens
  2. Click on View Global API Key (See the screenshot below)
  3. You may have to re-authenticate your account. After that, the API Key will be shown (See the screenshot below)

When using, just enter domain name, email, API KEY, the diagram is as follows:


Suggested OSs

Common problem

Migrating from v2-ui

First install the latest version of x-ui on the server where v2-ui is installed, and then use the following command to migrate, which will migrate all inbound account data of the local v2-ui to x-ui, panel settings and username and password will not migrate

After the migration is successful, please close v2-ui and restart x-ui, otherwise the inbound of v2-ui will cause a port conflict with the inbound of x-ui

x-ui v2-ui

Issues Fixed until the latest update