

<img src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/angular" title="Angular Practice Repo" alt="Angular Practice Repo" width="30"> Angular Practice

Repository created to record my practice learning Angular with exercises based on the Udemy Course of Maximilian Schwarzmüller.

Table of contents


What does that version number mean?

X.0.0Course hasn't been completed
0.X.0How many assignments/examples I have completed
0.0.XHow many times I have updated the next assignment/example

Why it has not any updated dependencies?

After finishing its related Udemy course, I archive this repository and unarchive it when I start a new training and add a link in the Other practice repos section referring to its new repo. But I don't update any associated dependency due to technology changes during the years between each practice, and the produced code which works with the mentioned requirements.


Repo structure

For a better search, I divided the lessons I learned in the following folders:


After cloning the repo, go to the created folder and install the node packages (including Angular CLI at the global level).

git clone https://github.com/NicolasOmar/angular-practice.git
cd angular-practice
npm run setup-all

setup-all is the command to install all the projects, but if you want to do it one by one, you can change that last line for one of the following:

App SetupCommand
Allnpm run setup-all
Learningnpm run setup-learning
Projectnpm run setup-project

How to run it

To run the app in a new browser instance, run the following command in the project's folder:

npm start

In case you stopped the Angular service and don't want to open a new tab, run the following command:

ng serve

What did I learn?

Other practice repos

NodeReactGraphQLTypescriptHTML & CSSStylingDockerNext.js
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