


SPV wallet sample created with NBitcoin and WPF

This is a simple program which show how to create multi sig (or not) SPV wallets with NBitcoin. It works on TestNet, please don't use this program in production, I do not handle any error condtions and store private keys in clear.

Create a new wallet, generate a new address and try to send some money to this address from another testnet wallet. You'll see it appear in the list along with the confirmations. (I did not implement send feature, this is left as exercise :))

In a nutshell, a SPV app is using several part of NBitcoin :

All these data structures are "attached" to nodes discovered by NodesGroup by using respectively TrackerBehavior, ChainBehavior and AddressManagerBehavior.

This program periodically save the Chain, AddressManager, Wallet and Tracker.

The implementation of TrackerBehavior is privacy friendly. All the wallets are sharing the same bloom filter, the bloom filter is preloaded with 1000 keys per wallet and never updated. Every 10 minutes, it disconnects from peers and reconnect to new ones with the same filter. I followed this paper, and improved on it.

This paper was oblivous to the fact that filters need to be reloaded periodically since at every false positive, the filter matches more objects. But if the filter is renewed on the same peer, then by doing a differential of the two filters, a malicious peer can find out which coins belongs to you.

If the bloom filter need to be reloaded (for generating a new batch of 1000 keys), then the connections to the current peers are purged, and new nodes are found.