


Parse input stream by frames directly into your code as a buffer.

LIMITATION: this library doesn't work with mp4 video format, due to the fact that mp4 video is not frame-by-frame output to stdout.


npm i ffparser

npm NPM


const FFParser = require('ffparser');
const fs = require("fs");

new FFParser('rtsp://')
    .setFrameHandler((frame) => fs.writeFile('image.jpeg', frame, () => {}))

This simple command will parse the provided stream at a frame rate of ~ 1 fps and with the highest quality. The resulting frames are saved in a file. <br> You can try this example in the test directory.


FFParser(inputPath: string, customArgs?: string[])<br> inputPath (required) - URL or path to input video stream customArgs (optional) - Custom ffmpeg params. Will override the existing ones.

setFrameRate(frameRate: string): FFParser - setup the output frame rate. NOTE: this works approximately! <br> frameRate (required) - in format '1/2' means 1 frame per 2 seconds. Defaulr value is 1/1. You cannot specify more than the value of the stream itself

setQuality(quality: number): FFParser - defines the quality of the output JPEG image.<br> quality (required) - available range from 1 to 31, where a lower value means better quality. Default value is 2

enableLogs(): FFParser - show ffmpeg logs in console

setFrameHandler(fn: FrameHandlerFn): FFParser - setup a callback function which will produce new frames.<br> fn = (frame: Buffer, info?: FrameInformation) => void<br> frame - new frame as a buffer <br> info - frame information

FrameInformation {
    frameNumber: string; // frame number from the beginning of parsing
    fps: string;
    quality: string;
    time: string; // time from the beginning of parsing

run(): void - start parsing

How to build

npm run tsc

Will create a build directory with the compiled lib, and test.