

Welcome to UFO RUN

This open-source Cocos2d-X game will show you how to develop a cross platform (iOS/Android) real-time multiplayer game with Nextpeer. With Nextpeer you can play with your friends or get matched with random players from around the world!

Check the game in iTunes for a quick look!

Read the full tutorial or just go ahead and download the source.

Trying it out

  1. Pull UFO RUN and its submodules from GitHub:

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/Nextpeer/Nextpeer-UFORUN.git

  2. Change the project's bundle/package identifier from "com.nextpeer.uforun" to your own domain (for example "com.mycompany.uforun") in the project's info.plist & AndroidManifest.xml.

  3. Navigate to Nextpeer developers dashboard, sign up for an account, and create your iOS and an Android game.

  4. In Nextpeer's dashboard, add a game pool and connect both games you've created in step #3. That's how the users from each platform will be able to play with each other.

  5. Paste the iOS game key and the Android game key from Nextpeer's dashboard into the game's code.

  6. Install on two devices and start playing!

Feel free to contact us on any question. support@nextpeer.com.