

Stable Target Field for Reduced Variance Score Estimation in Diffusion Models

Pytorch implementation of the ICLR 2023 paper Stable Target Field for Reduced Variance Score Estimation in Diffusion Models,

by Yilun Xu*, Shangyuan Tong*, Tommi S. Jaakkola

[[Slide]({% if include.paper.code-url %},<a href="{{ include.paper.code-url }}">[Code]</a>{% endif %})]

Diffusion models generate samples by reversing a fixed forward diffusion process. Despite already providing impressive empirical results, these diffusion models algorithms can be further improved by reducing the variance of the training targets in their denoising score-matching objective. We argue that the source of such variance lies in the handling of intermediate noise-variance scales, where multiple modes in the data affect the direction of reverse paths. We propose to remedy the problem by incorporating a reference batch which we use to calculate weighted conditional scores as more stable training targets. We show that the procedure indeed helps in the challenging intermediate regime by reducing (the trace of) the covariance of training targets. The new stable targets can be seen as trading bias for reduced variance, where the bias vanishes with increasing reference batch size. Empirically, we show that the new objective improves the image quality, stability, and training speed of various popular diffusion models across datasets with both general ODE and SDE solvers. When used in combination with state-of-the-art diffusion models (EDM (Karras et al., 2022)), our method yields a current SOTA FID of 1.90 with 35 network evaluations on the unconditional CIFAR-10 generation task.



Our implementation is built upon the EDM repo. We first provide an guidance on how to quickly transfer from denoising score-matching objective to STF. We highlight our modifications based on their original command lines for training, sampling and evaluation. We also provide the instruction for set-ups, such as requirements and dataset preparation, from EDM repo.

Quick Adoptation

Below we provide the guidance for how to quick apply STF to any existing diffusion models frameworks. The example we used is a simplified version of loss.py in this repo.

The loss function of the STF or the denoising score-matching objective for diffusion models:

y: mini-batch clean images
n: mini-batch noise
ref_images: reference batch clean images

# perturbed the clean data y with Gaussian noise n
perturbed_samples = y + n
D_yn = net(perturbed_samples, sigma)

## === STF or Denoising Score-matching === ##
if stf:
    # Set the target to the stable target for STF
    target = self.stf_targets(sigma.squeeze(), perturbed_samples, ref_images)
    # Set the target to the clean data in vanilla Denoising Score-matching
    target = y
## ======================================== ##
loss = (D_yn - target) ** 2

The STF function for calculating stable target in the EDM framework:

def stf_targets(self, sigmas, perturbed_samples, ref):

sigmas: noisy levels
perturbed_samples: perturbed samples with perturbation kernel N(0, sigmas**2)
ref: the reference batch

Returns: stable target

with torch.no_grad():
  perturbed_samples_vec = perturbed_samples.reshape((len(perturbed_samples), -1))
  ref_vec = ref.reshape((len(ref), -1))

  gt_distance = torch.sum((perturbed_samples_vec.unsqueeze(1) - ref_vec) ** 2, dim=[-1])
  gt_distance = - gt_distance / (2 * sigmas.unsqueeze(1) ** 2)
  # adding a constant to the log-weights to prevent numerical issue
  distance = - torch.max(gt_distance, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] + gt_distance
  distance = torch.exp(distance)[:, :, None]
  # self-normalize the per-sample weight of reference batch
  weights = distance / (torch.sum(distance, dim=1, keepdim=True))

  target = ref_vec.unsqueeze(0).repeat(len(perturbed_samples), 1, 1)
  # calculate the stable targets with reference batch
  stable_targets = torch.sum(weights * target, dim=1)
  return stable_targets

Training new models with STF

You can train new models using train.py. We provide example command line for CIFAR-10 unconditional generation:

torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --outdir=training-runs --name=exp_name \
--data=datasets/cifar10-32x32.zip --cond=0 --arch=arch --stf=stf  --rbatch=rbatch

stf: use stable target field or not. options: 0 | 1
rbatch: size of the reference batch
exp_name: name of experiments 
arch: model architectures. options: ncsnpp | ddpmpp

The above example uses the default batch size of 512 images (controlled by --batch) that is divided evenly among 8 GPUs (controlled by --nproc_per_node) to yield 64 images per GPU. Training large models may run out of GPU memory; the best way to avoid this is to limit the per-GPU batch size, e.g., --batch-gpu=32. This employs gradient accumulation to yield the same results as using full per-GPU batches. See python train.py --help for the full list of options.

The results of each training run are saved to a newly created directory training-runs/exp_name . The training loop exports network snapshots training-state-*.pt) at regular intervals (controlled by --dump). The network snapshots can be used to generate images with generate.py, and the training states can be used to resume the training later on (--resume). Other useful information is recorded in log.txt and stats.jsonl. To monitor training convergence, we recommend looking at the training loss ("Loss/loss" in stats.jsonl) as well as periodically evaluating FID for training-state-*.pt using generate.py and fid.py.

Sidenote: The original EDM repo provide more dataset: FFHQ, AFHQv2, ImageNet-64. We did not test the performance of STF on these datasets due to limited computational resources. However, we believe that the STF technique can consistently improve the model across datasets. Please let us know if you have those resutls 😀

All checkpoints are provided in this Google drive folder.

ModelCheckpoint pathFIDOptions
CIFAR-10-ncsnppstf/cifar10_ncsnpp/1.90--cond=0 --arch=ncsnpp --stf=1 --rbatch 1024
CIFAR-10-ddpmppstf/cifar10_ddpmpp/1.92--cond=0 --arch=ddpmpp --stf=1 --rbatch 1024

Generate & Evaluations

The instructions for set-ups from EDM repo


Preparing datasets

Datasets are stored in the same format as in StyleGAN: uncompressed ZIP archives containing uncompressed PNG files and a metadata file dataset.json for labels. Custom datasets can be created from a folder containing images; see python dataset_tool.py --help for more information.

CIFAR-10: Download the CIFAR-10 python version and convert to ZIP archive:

python dataset_tool.py --source=downloads/cifar10/cifar-10-python.tar.gz \
python fid.py ref --data=datasets/cifar10-32x32.zip --dest=fid-refs/cifar10-32x32.npz

FFHQ: Download the Flickr-Faces-HQ dataset as 1024x1024 images and convert to ZIP archive at 64x64 resolution:

python dataset_tool.py --source=downloads/ffhq/images1024x1024 \
    --dest=datasets/ffhq-64x64.zip --resolution=64x64
python fid.py ref --data=datasets/ffhq-64x64.zip --dest=fid-refs/ffhq-64x64.npz

AFHQv2: Download the updated Animal Faces-HQ dataset (afhq-v2-dataset) and convert to ZIP archive at 64x64 resolution:

python dataset_tool.py --source=downloads/afhqv2 \
    --dest=datasets/afhqv2-64x64.zip --resolution=64x64
python fid.py ref --data=datasets/afhqv2-64x64.zip --dest=fid-refs/afhqv2-64x64.npz

ImageNet: Download the ImageNet Object Localization Challenge and convert to ZIP archive at 64x64 resolution:

python dataset_tool.py --source=downloads/imagenet/ILSVRC/Data/CLS-LOC/train \
    --dest=datasets/imagenet-64x64.zip --resolution=64x64 --transform=center-crop
python fid.py ref --data=datasets/imagenet-64x64.zip --dest=fid-refs/imagenet-64x64.npz