


<img align="left" src="docs/logos/HC_full_logo.png" alt="HubCommander Logo" width="50%" />

NetflixOSS Lifecycle Gitter chat

A user-extendable Slack bot for GitHub organization management.

HubCommander provides a chat-ops means for managing GitHub organizations. It creates a simple way to perform privileged GitHub organization management tasks without granting administrative or owner privileges to your GitHub organization members.

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How it works?

HubCommander is based on slackhq/python-rtmbot (currently, dependent on release 0.4.0)

You simply type !help, and the bot will output a list of commands that the bot supports. Typing the name of the command, for example: !CreateRepo, will output help text on how to execute the command.

At a minimum, you will need to have the following:

A Docker image is also available to help get up and running quickly.


Out of the box, HubCommander has the following GitHub features:

HubCommander also features the ability to:

You can add additional commands by creating plugins. For example, you can create a plugin to invite users to your organizations.

HubCommander also supports Slack ephemeral messages and threads.

Installation Documentation

Please see the documentation here for details.


If you are interested in contributing to HubCommander, please review the contributing documentation.