

React Native Simple Slider

This is a simple javascript slider component for react native.

This package is compatible both Android and iOS.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NesChaiyapon/react-native-simple-slider/master/images/slider-preview.png" alt="Slider component preview image" width="375" />


$ yarn add react-native-simple-slider


$ npm install react-native-simple-slider --save


state = { value: 0 }

  onValueChange={value => this.setState({ value })}

How to use in ScrollView

state = { isScrollEnable: true}

<ScrollView scrollEnabled={this.state.isScrollEnable}>
    onSlidingStart={() => this.setState({ isScrollEnable: false })}
    onSlidingComplete={() => this.setState({ isScrollEnable: true })}


valuenumber0Value of the slider.
minimumValuenumber0Minimum value of the slider.
maximumValuenumber1Maximum value of the slider.
onSlidingStartfunc() => {}Callback function that is called when the user begin touch the slider.
onValueChangefunc() => {}Callback fucntion that is called while the user is dragging the slider.
onSlidingCompletefunc() => {}Callback function that is called when the user releases the slider.
disabledbooleanfalseIf true the user won't be able to move the slider.
disabledHoverEffectbooleantrueIf true the slider do not show hover effect.
stepnumber0Step value of the slider. The value should be between minimumValue to maximumValue.
minimumTrackTintColorstring#3F51B5The color used for the track on the left side of thumb button.
maximumTrackTintColorstring#BDBDBDThe color used for the track on the right side of thumb button.
thumbTintColorstring#3F51B5Foreground color of thumb button.
thumbButtonSizenumber24Size of thumb button.
sliderWidthnumber325Width of slider component.
sliderHeightnumber6Height of slider component.
sliderBorderRadiusnumber3Border radius of slider component.
thumbImageimage(string/number)nullSets an image for the thumb button. Only static images are supported.
thumbButtonelementnullSets an react component for override the thumb button.


Contributions are welcome. Should run npm run test before push.


MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Chaiyapon