

Godot Oculus Quest Toolkit <!-- omit in toc -->

This is an in-development toolkit for basic VR interactions using the Godot game engine.

The main target of this toolkit is native Oculus Quest development but it also supports the Godot OpenXR plugin, WebXR export and DesktopVR (via the OpenXR, OpenVR and Oculus Godot modules). Most of the implemented features are not platform specific.

You can try a Web-Exported version of the tookit at https://neospark314.itch.io/godot-oculus-quest-toolkit

The current version of the toolkit in this repository was build/tested with Godot 3.4.5.

If you have questions or run into problems please open an issue here or contact me on discord.

There is a discord server specific for users of the toolkit. Feel free to join: https://discord.gg/JtTpFk9852

For general discussions about VR in godot you can also join the official Godot Discord #XR channel.


A list of links to projects and prototypes that use the Oculus Quest Toolkit that I'm aware of. If you are using the toolkit and would like to be here you can ping me or open an issue with a link to your project and I will add it.

Voxel Works QuestGet WoodSeurat TPS test
Seurat CapturePipelinesMawashi
BlocksThe Impossible CryptSpaceToys

Demo Scenes and Games

The toolkit contains several demo scenes in the Demo Scene Folder that can be inspected to see how the individual features work.

In addition there is also a more complete example in the Demo Games Folder. It is a beat saber clone called BeepSaber; you can watch a video here. This demo game now also exists as a fork (with some additions/improvements in its own repository at https://github.com/NeoSpark314/BeepSaber)

BeepSaber Demo Video


Feature Images Feature Images 2

Video of the Godot MRC Plugin in action

Simple Hand Gestures

Medieval City Test Scene


The documentation is in the project wiki. It includes a more detailed getting started section and an overview of the included features.

Known issues

As this is a very early version there are some known issues that are not yet resolved. If you know a solution feel free to open a github issue to further discuss it or catch me on the official Godot Discord: @NeoSpark314.

Planned features

There are a lot of potential extensions and missing features. Some of the things I think I will tackle next are on this list; but if you have some other suggestions feel free to open an issue to discuss it.



The Godot Oculus Quest Toolkit and the demo scenes in this repository are licensed under the MIT License. The Oculus Touch controller 3d models the hand model and the Oculus Mobile SDK contained in this repository are copyright Oculus, see http://oculus.com for license information. The Roboto font used is licensed under an Apache License and available at https://github.com/google/roboto.