


A custom Jest reporter specifically designed for Angular projects. This reporter checks and ensures that specific types of files (components, services, directives, etc.) have their corresponding test file.


Install the package using npm:

npm install jest-angular-test-verifier --save-dev


In your Jest configuration file (e.g., jest.config.js), add jest-angular-test-verifier to your list of reporters:

module.exports = {
  // ... other Jest configuration options
  reporters: ["default", "jest-angular-test-verifier"]

Simple Configuration

If you just want to get started quickly without too much configuration, you can use the following simple setup in your Jest configuration file:

module.exports = {
  // ... other Jest configuration options
  reporters: [
    ["jest-angular-test-verifier", {
      failOnMissingTests: true

With this simple configuration, the reporter will start checking for test files in the default directory 'src/app' and it will display an error and fail the tests if any of the specified file types (components, services, guards, directives, and pipes) are missing their corresponding test files.

Feel free to customize the configuration further by adding more options as needed, but this simple setup should get you started quickly.

Configuration Options

You can configure the reporter by providing a second argument with options in your configuration file:

module.exports = {
  // ... other Jest configuration options
  reporters: [
    ["jest-angular-test-verifier", {
      directory: "src/app",
      showTestedFiles: false,
      failOnMissingTests: true,
      exclusions: ['**/*.module.ts', 'src/app/somefolder/**'],
      exclusionRules: [/DEPRECATED/, "TO_BE_REMOVED"],


Specifies the directory from where the reporter should start checking for test files.


Define which types of files you want to ensure have tests. By default, the reporter checks for components, services, guards, directives, and pipes.


module.exports = {
  // ... other Jest configuration options
  reporters: [
    ["jest-angular-test-verifier", {
      extensions: ['.component.ts', '.service.ts']


Determines whether the reporter should display files that already have associated test files.


Indicates whether Jest should terminate with a failure if it finds files that are missing test files.


Determines whether the reporter should display statistics about the total files checked, how many have tests, and how many are missing tests.


module.exports = {
  // ... other Jest configuration options
  reporters: [
    ["jest-angular-test-verifier", {
      showStatistics: true


Using the exclusions option, you can define specific files or directories that you want the reporter to skip. This is particularly useful when you have certain files or folders in your project that you know shouldn't have tests.

The exclusions accept glob patterns, allowing for flexible configurations:


Allows you to exclude files based on content using strings or regular expressions. For example, if you have deprecated files containing the "DEPRECATED" string, you can easily exclude them without needing to rely on filenames or paths.



Allows you to specify how many levels of subdirectories you want to check for test files. A value of 1 will check only the files and directories directly inside the specified directory. A value of 2 will check those and their immediate subdirectories, and so on.


module.exports = {
  // ... other Jest configuration options
  reporters: [
    ["jest-angular-test-verifier", {
      depthLevel: 2


Determines the string used to identify mock files in your project. This is useful if you have a different naming convention for mock files than the standard 'mock'.

Congratulations Messages

You can customize the congratulatory messages displayed when all necessary files have tests. Provide an array of messages, and a random one will be chosen when all files are covered:

module.exports = {
  // ... other Jest configuration options
  reporters: [
    ["jest-angular-test-verifier", {
      directory: "src/app",
      extensions: ['.component.ts', '.service.ts'],
      showTestedFiles: false,
      failOnMissingTests: true,
      showStatistics: true,
      exclusions: ['**/*.module.ts', 'src/app/somefolder/**'],
      exclusionRules: [/DEPRECATED/, "TO_BE_REMOVED"],
      depthLevel: 2,
      mockIdentifier: 'mock',
      congratulations: [
        "🚀 Awesome! All files are covered.",
        "💡 Brilliance! Every file has a test.",
        "🔥 Blazing! 100% of files have tests."
