


annonktl controls the Annon API Gateway cluster.

$ annonktl help

Discovery commands:

  status         Status of Annon API Gateway cluster.
  routes         Prints all routes.

Cluster configuration commands:

  taint          Update API health status.
  apply          Create or update one of resources.
  get            Display one or many resources (supports: requests, request, api).
  delete         Delete resources (supports: request, api).

Informational commands:

  help           Help about any command.
  version        Prints annonktl and gateway versions.
  config         Manage annonktl configuration.

List of global options:

  --management-endpoint=http://example.com/ - URL to Annon API Gateway management endpoint.
  --context=my_context - The name of annonktl context to use.
  -h, --help - Display help for annonktl command.

Environment variables:

  ANNONKTL_MANAGEMENT_ENDPOINT='' - URL to Annon API Gateway management endpoint.
  ANNONKTL_CONTEXT='' - The name of annonktl context to use.
  ANNONKTL_CONFIG='~/.config/annonktl/context.json' - Path to the file that stores annonktl configs.

  Global options have higher priority than environment variables.


  1. Install Elixir

    brew install elixir
  2. This CLI tools is distributed in an escript format on Hex.pm:

    mix escript.install hex annon_ktl
  3. Add ~/.mix/escripts to PATH

    echo 'PATH="~/.mix/escripts:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

For convenience, consider adding ~/.mix/escripts directory to your PATH environment variable. For more information, check the wikipedia article on PATH: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PATH_(variable).

  1. Add your first environment
annonktl config context apply my_context http://example.com:8080/
