


<big>Deprecated: As this application relies on Cypress framework, it defeats the whole purpose of solving a basic problem of functional teating. Hence deprecated until some core application is developed.</big>

Cypress File Preprocessor to run Gherkin based tests with some mind blowing features.


Feature file

Feature: I can order a Pizza

Rule: Explore available products

Scenario: Display Trendy Pizzas
    #> route: home page; story: US002
    Given I'm on home page
    Then I should see the top selling pizzas

Scenario: Display Side dishes
    #> route: home page; story: US001
    Given I'm on home page
    Then I should see the list of side dishes

Rule: Find relevant products

Scenario: Search for a pizza
    #> story: US003
    Given I'm on any page
    When I search for "cheese"
    Then it should result all pizzas
    When I search for "mushroom"
    Then it should result following pizzas
    | Farm House |
    | Deluxe Veggie |
    | Veg Extravaganza |

Rule: Create a cart

Scenario: Make an order from home page
    #> route: home page; story: US004
    Given I'm on home page
    #Save order detail in scenario context
    When I add following items in the cart
    #> {}
    | pizza | Farm House  |
    | extra_toppings   | onion,paneer |
    #Validate the cart from the order detail in scenario context
    Then I can see the cart with selected items

User Guide

  1. Getting Started with application setup
  2. Writing Feature File and step definitions
  3. Scenario Context
  4. Basic Commands to run the tests
  5. Test selection to run particular tests
  6. Project configuration to create test strategy and more
  7. Threshold Strategies to keep the builds green
  8. Run tests in parallel (experimental)
  9. Reports
  10. Miscellaneous

Some Useful Commands

npx cytorus run --story "US004"
npx cytorus run --tags "not @wip"
npx cytorus run --from "product page"
npx cytorus run --not-via "home page"